Comedians in Cars Getting Cannabis
Comedians in Cars Getting Cannabis
I’m sorry but he did trash Trek. He missed Gene’s entire point of for once the humans got their shit in order and are the moral standard of the galaxy. Without the lessons we see in every star trek, it’s not star trek. It’s another action space movie.
I dunno, as someone who thinks that’s a pretty valid criticism (honestly, I was good after 2 Death Stars and one trench run, thanks), I would’ve been happy with there being no retread moments. I also think it’s a little disingenuous to compare the Star Wars and Star Trek fanbases, since I think Abrams has gone on…
They should find a rabid Star Trek fan to reboot Episode IV.
And then you get things like Star Trek Into Darkness, which manage to mimic all the superficial stuff from Star Trek without managing to capture the soul.
The world would be quite different if 20 minutes watching Youtube could actually change your life.
But do you watch Girls? It’s not a “genre” show to me, and if someone can't see a strange darkness in Driver, I dunno what to tell them. I only bought the Driver/Sith thing after I watched the show.
We literally got to see the full (gradual) transition from nerdy chem teacher to criminal drug lord in Breaking Bad. I mean... that was part of what made the character so effective... probably in no small part because of the audiences expectations based on previous roles (yay for thoughtful writers/directors). It…
Again—-what part of his character lead you to believe he couldn’t play an angry, quirky, & intense villain? Because he generally plays that on the show, except as written by Lena. People who think “Blanch, he’s in Girls” have never actually seen the show.
Good guys arent supposed to look cool though. The good guys are the squares and the bad guys are the badasses.
I’m pretty sure no one stopped pointing it out, right until the end.
A funny looking goth kid is pretty appropriate for the character. He wants to be Darth Vader but can only manage to be Anakin circa Episode 3.
Dumb because Kilo Ren is a big eared doofy looking hipster? I know about 50 people who feel the same way including myself. It’s still a great movie and he still does a great job. It’s ok to have feelings about things.