This sounds as cringe worthy as the girl who got proposed to in one of my intro chemistry classes.
If by German, you mean huge teams of engineers, scientists, etc., then yes.
Honestly I wish people would stop talking about her so much. She was overrated and got exposed.
I just wish I was able to play the original Sims on any modern OS.
Pissing the night away...
I’m not a fan of this but I’m wondering how this is even legal to suppress him. He should probably get into touch with someone like the ACLU.
It’s sad that the FBI will go after FIFA but will not go after some of the companies here which broke the law, and almost destroyed the US economy.
Well they did beat the Packers on Thanksgiving.
DOJ investigation never.
MSU is getting many of the breaks it’s needed to get here. Michigan screws up that last second punt and they win the game on a prayer. That CB didn’t called for targeting today. MSU has won the games he needed to and now it is getting ready to play in the playoffs.
The sad thing is that so many people eat this garbage up. It’s too bad people don’t want critical thinking in schools. It would help so much in this world.
They have to pay Grienke somehow.
The Matrix sex scene.