

Obomba had a democratic congress for the first two years he was POTUS. BHO was a failed president.

Obomba was a republican. He gave us a right wing health insurance plan with a democratic congress! Bailed out Wall Street criminals with our tax dollars. Under BHO, 95% of all new wealth went to the top 1% and 94% of all jobs created were PT, no benefits, temporary jobs. Obomba expanded 2 wars to 7. That’s not a

Democratic socialism exists in Norway, Sweden and Denmark.


Talk is just that...talk. If Hillary wins the nomination she will forget all her “progressive “ talk and she will pass Keystone XL Pipeline and TPP, and help her Wall Street buddies, big banks, big oil, big Rx, and corporations at OUR expense. Bill Clinton passed NAFTA which ended up costing millions of good paying

If you register to vote in the primaries and vote for Bernie he will win!

Not true. Bernie has no SuperPacs and he has been breaking attendance records at his rallies and he broke Obama ‘s record as Bernie has received over 2.3 million contributions since he announced his candidacy on April 30, 2015. Don't be fooled by the naysayers, they said the same thing about Obama and he won. Frankly,

A lot of republicans do NOT like Hillary, but they like Bernie and he has republican support. Look on Facebook there’s a page “republicans for Bernie “. If people who support Bernie show up in the primaries and vote for him, Bernie will win.

Not true. Bernie actually polls much higher against republican candidates than Hillary does. Bernie gets the majority of millennials and independents as well as moderate republicans. If Bernie is not the nominee, there will be lower voter turnout. Millennials will not show up in the general election in high numbers

Ron Paul never got higher than 3-4% in the polls. He raised $20 million and Bernie is at at least 30% and raised over $40 million in six months from small donors.

Try reading this.