
You're a sheep. Clearly.

Good eye, because the FRS does indeed come with prius tires stock.

Is this what russian hipsters do? Some kind of ironic communism?

I've got tone....r....

A while ago I was passing someone going down a slight hill on the interstate, going around 90 when all of a sudden my V1 goes off, laser. I saw him like, half a mile down the road later hiding in a bush. As I passed him, I pulled into the right late, slowed down and waited.

I always thought the USS Enterprise D would've been a merc S65 AMG. Big cushy tech filled cruiser with a ridiculous top speed.

If your girl can tell that it's an F12 at a glance, marry her!

Is it me or are the rear tires, without hyperbole, eight thousand times the size of the front's?

LOL you owe me a new coffee! So true though...

#7 should be #1 because my god, it is THE single most annoying thing in the world.

Holy shit, did you wake up on the wrong side of the futon today or what?

What they're really saying is, "we'll make tons and tons of money and... somehow inadvertently, maybe save some lives as a conveinence."


Allow me to throw a different perspective on this.

This one's an oldie but a goodie.

Don't have your house foreclosed and die. Don't buy a honda civic hybrid.

Whoa whoa... jiffy lube lubes the filter???

This was like, 50 years ago...

Go to the donation page. They're at $454,043 now.