She was on cocaine? Nice!
She was on cocaine? Nice!
Turn safe search off...
I think i just threw up... ingested it.. and threw up again.
If you could dodge a dodge, you could dodge.. wait what?
That's honestly the first thing I thought of too!
The jack broke... she didn't use stands.
Would've been cool if he offered her a pull. I know I used to appreciate it much when a skier would pull me along on a flat. Though I've learned to stay the hell off flats, I'd rather dive thru the woods to get back to the bottom at this point.
Can't watch, at work. But wasn't she the one who stayed in the world rally even though her father was passing away at home because he wanted her to win so bad but then her car broke down minutes from the finish line of the last stage?
I think part of it isn't that women aren't interested in cars because they're complicated, it's because they're interested in other things that we might find complicated.
I'm there!
As far as heel/toe, I wonder if it's instantaneous or if they added like, a 2 sec delay. Because that would take care of it.
Just the bare necessities huh...
More like.
Because you're POOR.
I thought the Evo was the most expensive?
They don't have to part a Jalop from his Subieyota order because he just bought a V6 mustang instead! :o
In russia, highly possible.