
I'll take this one.

Maybe it's my perception but 13psi doesn't seem that bad. The mitsubishi 4b11t runs at something like 18-20psi stock.

I wonder how well that would work. Because the studs need something stable to be mounted in. That looks like it would flop around a lot.

I want to fuck YT so bad.... (sorry, just wanted to get that one off my chest).

Continental DWS. They kick ass in summer, they kick ass in winter they kick ass in spring, and they kick ass in the fall.

The ones that go for $24900 all have faulty flux capacitors.

IF you had $24900? I'm pretty sure the $24900 isn't what's stopping you from inventing a time machine. :p

Good flipping lord, where has she been all my life??

It's just like sex, slow in, fast out.

Agreed. I used to commute by bicycle through the streets of NYC 4 days a week. Now it's like, once or twice a week. But it's taught me to have eyes like a hawk.

I think "Why did you turn?!" is a lot funnier and ironic than "You fucking cocksucker! Holy fuck!"

He was taking the kids to the store. The kids store. To sell them for crack money...

If I ever see you, I'm gonna be like, "Hey, you're the 'Cocksucker! Holy fuck! I just built this car with my bare hands' guy!" and buy you a beer.

Where's that jalop link to the motorcycle guy?

I guess I'll need one of those when I buy an M3?

The FF has a system to jack the car up an additional 2" for ground clearance. My car's got about 5-6" of ground clearance and I've never had a problem in 6-8" of snow. Then again, by the time it accumulates to a foot, I'm already on the slopes. Snowboarding for me!

Price aside, it would be this.

Hahaha that's so wrong but I lol'ed.

The guy had a heart attack though...