
The scammer should have at least been clever about it and put in tentacle porn.

What has Mercy ever done for this country? She’s not even American. Runs around, healing, which I’m told is “support”, I don’t buy it. Can’t even shoot rockets. Sad!

Thank you for your feedback. Hopefully at least one of the comics made you giggle!

You may have just found out about it, but it’s not really new news, they reported on it four days ago when the information came out, and it’s not that big a deal it needs to be kept on the front page for four days.

She. It’s cool though; people make mistakes.

Since I’m basically an unstoppable god at this point, it hurts my character way more to have Preston disappointed in me than it does having him shoot me.

Exactly. When will artists stop expressing themselves and start pandering to certain moral stances? WAKE UP ARTISTS!

You’re arguement is pretty good, except for one thing: you’re forgetting about the Vortigaunts. They’re why Gordon Freeman has the reputation he has in Half-Life 2. They were previously enslaved by the Nihilanth (who may have been a rebel against the Combine, but was the one leading the assault against Earth in

That’s what I saw in it. Except this will actually be good if this trailer is anything to go by. As long as the movement feels right when playing this could be a thing. Also I noticed the sliding down a series of descending angled walls? Looks like someone played some surf maps in CS.

This is the cutest thing ever. Thanks for brightening my day!

Ponyta at Mile High Stadium. Go Broncos

This is a blog not a news site and it caters to gaming and gaming culture. This directly has to do with gaming culture as coplay is part of that. Also they are cosplaying video game characters. You do not have to click on the link that says cosplay on it if you do not like cosplay. There is no reason to get upset

Yeah that entire thing was the absolute worst. That made the VGX look respectable. What in the actual fuck is EA thinking. Celebrities? What is this, 2004?

Wish I had my own hype-person following me around. This beats having Terminator Preston Garvey following you around trying to kill you 24/7 though.

I really feel like Batman’s origin is a criminally underused story. I mean, we’ve never seen it in a movie or game before. He just appears, fully developed, as if sprung from the forehead of Zeus.

If he isn’t, that’s totally CENSORSHIP.

It already has.

There’s a very important plot reason why Reedus isn’t wearing clothes, and it will bring tears to your eyes.

Because that’s my guess, not the actual news/reason.

Ah yes, rippers.