
I’ve said it dozens of times already, but Jalopnik keeps making me say it:

Sorry. Won’t fill this afternoon’s slide show.

A full week behind The Drive.

Ooooooh boy. I feel a slideshow coming on!

A lot of weird projection and shit in this comment section. Remember folks: it’s just a kid selling a truck he did some mods to. Not a klan member.

No no, the MACHINE must have been Italian. 

I didn’t realize Tesla’s were Italian?

Honest question for everyone - do we just want dealers exterminated from the planet? I work in a sector of the auto indistry that works closely with dealerships. The entire industry is moving mountains and scrambling to adjust to a changing market while their manufacturer partners of decades are shifting to just

Dear Jalops,

In addition to this being the epitome of foolish self-incrimination, it is also possibly the worst way to market yourself as a realtor while actively breaking and entering a building.

transformed into a thoroughbred performance machine


Old enough to not get hacked, or recalled on a monthly basis.

If by used, you mean not used, then yes, it is.

Eventually, someone on Jalopnik is going to have their Craigslist ad nominated by another user, at which point the mother of all internet arguments breaks out.

I highly suggest you walk out the door without making any sudden moves.

Or perhaps they shouldn’t be taking customer cars for their lunch breaks...

Wow! I guess it pays to have your shit made over seas by 8 year old kids.