
Is anyone else planning to snag the Forza 6 XB1 Console? I pre-ordered mine over the weekend, only downside is that it doesn’t come with a disk copy, just a digital download.

I can’t think of how many times a feature like this would have saved my ass when I was in high school and stupid when I went off-roading in the Georgia backwoods

Definetely says something about the rigidity of the frame of the limo, amazing that it could take such a hit and not have been split into 2 giant slices.

Just stay the eff away from them! I know what you’re going to say, “but hold on there random internet opinionator, how the hell can I avoid them when dumbasses are all over the road?!” Below is my SOP for dealing with shitty drivers;

I’m no master mechanic by any means, I can do simple fluid changes, routine maintenence and things like that. My crowning moment was helping a friend replace a blown HG on his MkIII Supra, but the idea of tearing apart ANY Ferrari in the Moroccan desert hundreds of miles from any sort of advanced civilization scares

I would just think that in a track day type situation you could be in the process of turning the wheel and smash into it with your hand or something, unless there’s some sort of safety feature that won’t let it turn off the car while it’s in gear or something like that.

Please tell me that’s not an engine start/stop on the steering wheel, seems like fairly inconvenient placement.

Did I miss the article where pricing points were discussed? I mean, I’m just as excited as the next guy about this amazing piece of artwork, and I’m even more thrilled by the fact that they’re going to offer a proper transmission. However, is a regular Joe Schmo like myself going to be able to afford one?

I live in Minnesota, a day that goes by that I don’t see one is a blessing...

“Once, as I was leaving a restaurant, I turned on the car and the check engine light startedflashing, which – according to the owner’s manual – is a sign your vehicle is about to explode like the Hindenburg. My remedy was to turn the car off and right back on. Inexplicably, the light didn’t return for months.”

Haha, I was beginning to think I was the only one!

Oh wow I had no idea they were a limited run.

Didn’t we just bring back the vintage plates last year (yellow with black lettering)? I moved away since they’ve become available but if I was still living there I’d rock them.

Sweet sweet justice

Can we talk about what’s on their Locations page for a moment?

That was painful to watch

And the person filming didn't think to (mayyyyyybe) call the police???? Yell? Shout? Do something other than stand by and watch some asshole steal someone's car?

How did the 4G63T NOT make this list?!?!?!?!?!

No mention of a 240sx

No mention of a 240sx