Officer Dog

Funnily enough Todd Solondz was one of the nicest people I've ever met. Quiet and introspective but funny and sweet. Also it led to one of my favorite stories ever. When he left our local film festival, my friend watched him just walk into the darkness and disappear. His car must've been parked somewhere the way he

You answered this way more eloquently than I was about to. Thank you.

I like that he tries to call attention to the way a woman made movie is being shittily mocked only to see it get shittily mocked here!

I'm hoping it goes the Cougar Town route of eventually the title meaning nothing and the initial premise going by the wayside. Hell, Parks and Rec did the same thing. Even Happy Endings was not the show it started out as by its second season.

Exactly! Haha.

God, this sounds atrocious but at least…kind of entertaining? I'll watch Isaac anywhere I guess.

I adore this piece! I felt the same when I watched this a few weeks back. I had been on a large "Watch all of X-Files" project off and on for like 8 years now. Watching this final movie was kind of an emotional "Well, it's over" moment and I was pleased to see the movie was so much better than everyone suggested.

The entirety of episode 7 is made up of 10 long tracking shots

Vikram did them last year so maybe he'll be doing them again.

I'm hoping we get at least one episode like Roman Coppola's last year. That dreamlike, long take, wonder was when I realized this show could be really really special.

Yesss can't wait to get back to this.

It must have been really really expensive because it had BY FAR the most views (from what's been reported) and 5 star reviews.

Yeah i'm disappointed not to see that. That was a beautiful little thing.

hear hear

Looks that way :(.

I really hate that they keep calling it a political thriller because…it's…not.

give Patriot a shot. it is not at all its description.

Super super happy to hear about Red Oaks renewal and which pilots got picked up.

I wonder if The Missing is the TV show that I just bought on iTunes GOD DAMN IT.

I have been refreshing the god damn City Cinemas Village East website all morning hoping it goes on sale soon.