Officer Dog

Also, I absolutely love Will's reaction when Jonas appears in his car during the chase. It was one of those perfect "how would someone in real life respond when something this weird happens to them" moments and his delivery of it was spot on.

This is something I really like that the show does. Frequently tying the individual character plots to the larger SF narrative. It's very good at it.

That took a turn.

I was into the first episode definitely but I've been telling people to give it to episode 4. If you aren't into it by then you probably aren't going to be but there's payoff in episode 4 that the slowness of the previous episodes and start of that episode really makes work. And you get some cool emotional setpieces

A shitfuck of Sense8

I kind of doubt this show would have such an easy happy ending as episode 7 has. It's always been more complicated. Episode 8 felt more real to me, showing the beauty of Henry's idea while also showing that it's not really going to last and eventually Henry needs to deal with who he is.

I was happy to see that although the collective "ended" that a bunch of them still get together and eat.

*holds up lighter*

God that one episode where he and Craig just die laughing at his whole routine about having a "place there" in every town that Craig mentions. Gets me everytime.

God that still image of the guy running. Every fucking time they cut back to him running and the music playing I just die laughing.

I didn't think we had a specific endpoint. I know he knows how many books it will be but the books vary in length.

No mention of the Golb vision?

I've been going through all the titles of the relaunch over the past few weeks and it is pretty uniformly excellent of a line.

OOooo I haven't heard of those in your first paragraph, they very intriguing titles.

A few more: Blindsprings, Monsterkind, Lady Sabre and the Pirates of the Ineffable Aether, Paranatural, Multiplex

I love it so much. Cool story: The artist, Molly, designed and illustrated my wife and I's wedding invitations and she fucking killed it.

Strong Female Protagonist if you aren't already

But that's a priceless Steinway!

Yep. In fact some people comment on it at one point.

*chases you with net*