Officer Dog

Especially after their uproarious laughter. HAHAHAHAHA so I have AIDS

My favorite of these bits was always the one where the scene is of some dad telling his kid to jump off a ladder then immediately stepping out of the way so the kid just slams into the ground. Conan's horrified expression and laughter killed me.

I was commenting specifically on some reviews that seemed quite celebratory but still had just a B or B+ grade. I've usually known him as being a higher grader is all.

IV is pretty hard to please this year. EVen things he's giving really great reviews to he's giving a "B" or so

Rumors are that the reason the two of them didn't act together were because of her. There have been hints that Panjabi doesn't even know why.

It is absolutely unprofessional. I have people I can't stand at work but I gotta work with them sometimes. If I didn't, then students wouldn't have what they need.

He has this and that Match movie last year which give me hope he'll start taking new roles in smaller films more and more often.


Silly question but how is Stewart in Green Room? I'm excited for the flick and the whole cast but I am beyond excited at seeing him play so against type.

This was a really beautiful review. Feels like more than a B. Or at least, the great moments in it far surpass the B average of it in general.

I was actually planning on skipping this show, though my "mystery show' and "weird shit" loving heart was pained to do so (I watched John Doe from beginning to end, for God's sake) but the two AVC reviews of it have me thinking that, hey, they might just pull it off. Or at least be entertaining as heck on their way to

Also: "Why am I walking? Stop walking, Rogelio!"

Well this was perfect. I absolutely cried at quite a few moments but they'll be god damned if they were going to let such a beautiful emotional episode get in the way of the ridiculous plot twists that are such a big part of this show. I'll admit to sometimes having had enough of them, as fun as they can be, but I'm

It's ok. I kinda enjoy it. Sets up Mack and Bendis' runs though

Excitment level dropping heavily.

There was a leaked email with Wright where he discussed a bit more about the film. It seems like a real passion project for him. He says it's basically him making the crime movie he's always wanted, but with lots of music and color.

That leprechaun line made me pause the show I was laughing so hard.

Eh, Graham can be a bit pompous and hypocritical which bothers me even more.

I stopped following a lot of comic writers on twitter.

Beautiful little piece on one of my favorite issues of the last year. I've loved his book for a lot of reasons, the humor being a main part, but that emotional core and pain to it has always elevated it.