
If you can leave your investment alone for a year - and with all that money you should be able to - the max capital gains rate is only 20%. And stop with the “taxed twice” nonsense - you’re not getting taxed twice on the same money, you’re getting taxed on the new money you’ve made (i.e. income).

That being said, I

Thank you!

What does this mean? “..an annually increasing rate schedule”

You’re right! I remembered the name wrong. :-)

“Edinburgh buses do not give you change..” <- do buses ANYWHERE give change?

I’d disagree with avoiding the tunnel tours and Edinburgh Castle. Yes, both are touristy, but totally worth it. The castle is stunning. The tunnel tour I went on (St Mary’s Close) talked a lot about how people lived back in that day, while

I hear what you’re saying, but since I already have this money with Fidelity it seems like it’s a no-brainer to move anything that’s already in an index fund, no matter how small the fee, to a fee-free one. 

“The Fidelity Zero Total Market Index Fund and the Fidelity Zero International Index Fund come with a 0.00 percent fee regardless of how much is invested in either fund, and will be available Friday.”
Go to fidelity.com on Friday.

Thanks, mine are all IRAs though!

Thanks for the heads-up on this. Already have the bulk of our savings in Fidelity in low-fee funds, but I’ll definitely be making the switch to fee-free this weekend.

Maybe she should spend some time organizing her website’s certs.

We did this too, it was so good to get to have additional time with people we don’t get to see much anymore. Two of our friends cooked the brunch as their wedding gift to us, which was an awesome gift!

I’ve got a 1998 Toyota Corolla with <100k miles on it! And it already had 10k miles when I bought it used in 1999! I either bus or (occasionally) bike to work, so it’s just used for trips to the grocery store and other errands, and going out a couple of nights a week. The engine is in great shape, but the

I just took a look through this, and you really have to be careful - some things are eligible for Prime Wardrobe or not depending on the size! A pair of jeans I looked at were only eligible in sizes 25, 27, 29 and 30 - all other sizes were not. That’s a terrible user experience, and bound to lead to confusion. 

I just took a look through this, and you really have to be careful - some things are eligible for Prime Wardrobe or

It’s not a subscription box - the writer obviously doesn’t understand this area at all. This is nothing like Stitch Fix. It’s just a way to try things without paying for them unless you keep them, instead of paying up front, and more convenient returns.

It’s not a subscription box - the writer obviously doesn’t understand this area at all. This is nothing like Stitch

You are right, I totally missed that. So ashamed...

You are right, I totally missed that. So ashamed...

That dress is cute and I went right to the link to check it out. But the complete absence of measurements on it made me lose interest. I really wish online shops were better about this. I won’t buy a dress unless I know how long it’s going to be ON ME by seeing what the length (in inches/cm) is.

That dress is cute and I went right to the link to check it out. But the complete absence of measurements on it made

I wish they’d make sharing regular posts easier! It seems stupid that you have to get a third-party app to do it.

I do the same. And it doesn’t have to be done with “an uncomfortable laugh” - if you’re relaxed and casual about it, it shouldn’t be a big deal for the person you’re telling.

“But seriously, I can not keep up with these milks”

I’d love to see a wrapup of tagless (REALLY tagless, meaning not having tags at the waist seam, which is even worse imo) clothing for adults too. T-shirts and underpants especially.