An eviction notice lol
An eviction notice lol
A little dramatic no? Maybe stop depending on the government and go out and get a hobby? Hit the gym, learn a sport, buy a PS4, watch Game of Thrones, read a great novel, go to a show, dominate at work/school, go out with friends, try a new restaurant... if you are unhappy, effing do something about it and stop…
Don’t rely on the Government for happiness! Be self-reliant. You are not entitled to any of these things in life.... The private sector is not evil, and all of the arguments that apply to the private sector (self-interested etc..) also apply to the stock and barrel public beaurocrats (who mostly don’t even make 6…
I really see nothing wrong with her platform to be honest. Opposition to immigration is not an inherent evil, in fact, it is a good thing for countries looking to allocate scarce resources to citizens, in the free-market or otherwise.
Maybe the “not my problem” question is one to address to start with!
In my opinion, the difference between President-Elect Trump and Streep are qualifications. She is well educated (attended Vassar and Yale Drama School), however, she was a drama major and has no formal or career training in regards to policy issues or politics. Trump was an experienced businessman first and an…
Despite all the disdain for Fitbits, if you actually follow through with what they say, it can be an extremely useful tool! Especially the HR.
Way to go Wisconsin!!!
Everything is fine!
I absolutely agree with this!! Great points made in my opinion... Love it.
I have a question:
I can’t either, but in a good way! I am thrilled he is going through with this deregulation plan..... Shale industry has been hit hard in the past couple of years, the last thing investors in that sector need is incompetent beurocrats with no financial stake in the matter getting their fingers into this awesome and…
Majority in house and senate man, plus a Supreme Court nomination right off the bat....
Also, it sounds like you had a bad experience at SMU if you have such a negative view of our fellow alums and current students.
I am actually excited and thinking very positively about the future of this country! My Dad pointed out last night that Obama made the analogy to an intermural game, and at the end of the game, we are all on the same team. Clinton also kept things extremely classy yesterday after an ugly campaign. Most importantly…
That’s a fair assessment and I appreciate your input (if you hadn’t added the derogatory tone based on my personal situation, I would have been nothing other than pumped to see your opinion).
I am from a nice neighborhood in Dallas, I go to law school now and was a government major in undergrad.... I don’t consider Trump to be an evil person at all.... I was raised in a family of republicans and in a community of republicans (nobody in my friend group has ever voted democrat for example, although certainly…
Not sure why all of my posts got deleted but I will say it again because I think it is important and most posters seemed to agree:
I am a current grad student and alum. Also went to Highland Park. Not a jerk at all. Go ponies!
Personal attacks like that are not a great way to have dialogue with people who have different opinions from yours. I hope that sort of talk stops so we can finally unify the country. Maybe it’all lead to a greater understanding if we weren’t so mean to one another and showed respect for eachother’s views.