
Well, I was going to start being a feminist, but since you fucking chirped me for it, back to being a MRA.

This is why we can’t stand you fucking assholes. Even when we try to understand, you still just shit on us.

As a guy I got to experience this for the first time on the weekend.

I went on a first date with someone I had gotten along with really well via text but when I showed up, she was visibly annoyed and uncomfortable. I didn’t really probe too much into what was up, but the date went horribly, she was just obviously not

Blame Canada.

This is the most even tempered statement a Pats fan has ever typed into an internet comment box.

Well done sir, challenging stereotypes!


My street doesn’t get ploughed unless the garbage trucks cant get through.

Have you see the size of a garbage truck? that basically means we need 2 feet on the ground before we see a removal vehicle...

And that’s why I bought a Subaru...

I’d like Ubisoft to make a cooperative at-sea-only ship battle mod for Assassins Creed.

Imagine how cool that would be? one person drives, 3 man the guns, you try to destroy/board your opponents ships for loot and such?

It could be like GTA online with pirate ships!

Yeah, This is Mulder’s show. Scully was always just window dressing, she was the nagging wife, the loving mother, the foil.

This whole show is written about Fox Mulder’s passion for the paranormal world, she was always just an accessory.

All that said, this is simply a cash grab by Fox and Carter, might as well make


Listen man, life can’t stop cause of a few flakes of snow...

You guys gotta see how things work in Canada, during snowstorms is the best time to order food, you’ll actually get it on time!

Wait, this happened in Manitowoc county too?!

But they’re both talking about pre-existing sex acts, both taking 2 different sides.

According to Jezebel standards, that poor guy just got raped.