no they assaulted the boy who claimed he had sex with girls he didn’t have sex with. later in season 2 someone from another mob family tries to rape all kinds of people and gets into an car accident
no they assaulted the boy who claimed he had sex with girls he didn’t have sex with. later in season 2 someone from another mob family tries to rape all kinds of people and gets into an car accident
yes that cruising plot was so weird. why didn’t they let him travel to new york and/or have a boyfriend in canada instead :( :( i would think its more in character for kevin to drive by car to the next city to go to a normal gay bar there right?? not in the woods :/
that someone apologizes doesn’t mean anyone needs to accept it, but still its a bit weird to deny it happend.
Haha thanks! walking around Ireland, looking for some Irish man, is kind of a weird image here. maybe the non-UK type of Irish :D weird example!
but then he did?
“I sincerely apologize to the LGBTQ community for my insensitive words from my past.”
maybe consider a diary
He should have. I think Hart said “Yes I thought being gay was stupid in the past (8 years ago) but now I think I was stupid, sorry!”, unless I am mistaken and he actually double downed on his homophobia and intead of sorry said FU peope are weird about it.
Now, I am not sure about Neeson. I thought he says that he…
Yes I agree... We can all easily say “The media sparks racism - except for in me, I have never had even a second of racism”. I think this statement can be helpful. How did he have this week of racism and how did he stopped that?
But he didn’t say “if he was white”, he said “Irish, a Scot or Brit or a Lithuanian” and he…
YES me too... “my first lover” or whatever. I first thought of that professor but then thought - no, her father is kind of the root of her problems with men. i wasn’t a big fan of “darkness taylor”, it felt like a regression... kind of like Riverdale “I’ve got that DARKNESS inside of me” nooo Betty don’t do that :/ :(
OK, yes. People shouldn’t eat out of jars. But one person is already one too many! Unless they finished that jar, which would be even more gross.
was he that mean? He hates that place. I think it could lead to her realizing that a boyfriend isn’t *everything* and that she needs other friends to go to waterparks with or Paula to mother her and so on. I also felt like she used Greg as if he was her DAD in this episode, skipping around like a little girl with him.
I know right! Look at the symptoms, it seems like stuff that if women talk about it is not taken seriously:
they are a bit back-and-forth with drugs. in one episode all the teens were using something and it was a good time with no repercussions at all. except for betty who doesnt like Fun, only being a detective
why is it gross to share a spoon? i never understood that one, especially if you literally lick that person’s tongue, but also if not.
she also agreed for the models who coincidentally date quarterbacks
yes. although it is also common for women not to be at the doctor’s 18 hours later because their heart attack was the silent type. Paula’s symptoms were really strong with the looking like hell, vomiting, and so on.
what i mean is, in real life it might have come out that this was her second heart attack already
She wanted a DATE with her lover at raging waters, maybe like a teen fantasy. It doesn’t work when you’re with someone you are not in L-O-V-E with. From a rational standpoint why not go with her young brother, he is an actual child, or maybe Paula’s kid, or Darryl and his daughter who is totally replaced by that new…
Too much crime! Yes. Very good words
But Toni was in a Gang, serving drinks in a Gang bar! Veronica always claimed she wanted to obey the law but this seemed to change this episode