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    @jayntampa: I think a big part of it is that people want their own vehicle. It's a pretty incredible thing to be able to go wherever you want, whenever you want, but it's pretty selfish too. People don't normally think about the big picture. If all the time and resources that went into manufacturing cars were used to

    oh, wow, that would be awesome!

    @phantomlink: I never played Renegade online, I think I might have to go try that out!

    I was so excited when i heard about the Tiberium FPS because of how awesome Renegade was, but they cancelled that. RA 3 and C&C 4 were disappointing as well, but I still play C&C 3 everyday and am really hoping they fix the franchise.

    @zelfmoordkonijn: I was wondering the same, but i kind of hope that's how it turns out.

    @Incursor: I couldn't believe the demo actually allowed online play! It looks amazing on the 360 too.

    @GtheMVP99: Exactly, just give me better graphics and some new missions, maybe 1 or 2 new units, and I'm happy. I don't know why they think they have to completely change everything about the game for people to be impressed.

    @FiveSpeed: I was amazed to find out that today there are more people playing Tiberian Sun online than there are playing C&C 3!

    I believe Tesla did claim to have been contacted by extraterrestrials through his radio devices. That might not have actually been the case, but it's interesting nonetheless.

    The only spider I've been bitten by is one of those hairy, crab-like black ones with green/blue "eyes" and white bands. But it was definitely provoked. I knew he wasn't deadly and I always thought that type looked cool, so when i picked him up and tried to "pet" him he taught me not to mess with his kind. It stung

    Yeah, i don't download music anymore because of streaming services, i think it's neat that the artists still get paid but it's free to use.

    A lot of fakes are sold as MP3/MP4 players (look at the black "PSP" box and the box above the fake ipod classics) and don't actually use the brand names, but people could be fooled.

    @Pontos: Yeah, if you click on the bids, all of them that have zero feedback are fake.

    @SuicidalEarthworm: Many of the teachers take away the calculator when it's time for the test. So they only serve as a means of checking your work. They are good for that though.

    @MrGOH: After doing it, I realized it's actually a lot easier than it looks. It's like when you get to algebra and start to see numbers instead of letters and think WTF? It's just some more symbols and concepts to learn on top of everything else. I really enjoyed it once it started to all come together and make sense.

    @loce07:I thought the same thing when they were pushing it up against that chain link fence. Its' still better than those videos that just completely destroy them with fire or whatever though

    Finding some grenades would be pretty cool

    @Rolanthas: funniest thing i've read all day