Most bikes have asymmetry in them, though.

Your middle example is my favorite, and it points out something important: significant left-right asymmetry will generally degrade aerodynamics. That big-ass vehicle doesn’t need to go fast, but passenger cars do. And when we see asymmetry in a situation like this, I think we see that form doesn’t follow function,

Which is funny because the only reason it’s on the LR3 is to reference the Disco II, which requires the asymmetry to support the spare tire hanging off the back.

BMW R1000RR motorcycle and it’s Bell’s Palsy face, shark gills on only one side represents the bike world. BMW as a whole has a thing about asymmetry on their bikes.

“Oh, yeah. Look at that- he even drew the steering wheel on one side of the car, instead of in the middle.”

I’d buy that crossover.

“the huge wheels every car designer seems genetically pre-disposed to add”

My concept self also has larger appendages than made it into production

I’m a big fan of the Land Rover LR3 (Discovery). One reason is the asymmetric tailgate. I’m glad they’ve kept it on the new Disco.

Company policy. An employee must be in the car.

Dealership employee of nearly 10 years here. I spent 6 years on the sales floor and now I work in operations.

How about some good ones for a change? I really can’t stand this site sometimes. You all harp on how bad dealerships can be very regularly and rarely highlight when dealerships go above and beyond for a customer.

I am hard pressed to think of any government-provided product or service that has gotten better, more efficient and cheaper over time. Perhaps you can provide one for me.


Ok. So budgets can’t be restructured? Only the gas tax can pay for roads that everyone uses and benefits from? Our government has a long history of sound financial spending and the only thing keeping our roads from being pristine is we haven’t raised taxes?

I’m fine with using tolls to actually pay for the roads. The highways in Illinois are great, and for the couple bucks that it costs to use them you get a nice, wide, smooth highway. Drastically different than the highways once you cross the border into WI.

Knowing how government contracting works I’m betting the privately owned roads would be cheaper in the long run.

The Autoroute 25 (A25) bridge that links Montreal and Laval has been a poster-person (gender-neutral!) of how to do things right. The bridge was built on time and on budget which is something the Quebec government on its own would never be able to achieve. Tolls are collected via a transponder or license plate scanner

Where is it written that privately maintained roads would cost more?

Neutral: This Road Is Not Owned By You™

They’re okay. They need more mesh in the headrests.