
Reminds me of an old Frigidaire or something. 

“Seeing one here dressed for war is, uh, actually a little disconcerting.”

They tried them near my office.

They were horribly inaccurate. Unless you believe that they actually clocked a bicyclist doing 76 mph in a 20 mph zone. That’s right - a bicyclist. Guy should be in the Olympics.

The biggest problem with their inaccuracies, though, were that if you felt they were wrong, you had to pay the

A perfect article to gauge the public support for the growing surveillance state.  We already have one 'why do you need due process anyway?' comment.

I might go that route if/when this one goes, the starter I took out as far as I can tell is the original 1968 starter, it would turn the engine over but all the grease was gummed up in it so it would not crank it fast enough to start, so I tossed in a spare one I had lying around the garage. Got them both tested and


Any way to kill traffic cameras is a good one.

Counterpoint, if you know where they are you will drive slow. It’s not likely someone is going to remember every single location and will likely drive slower as they don’t remember. Also, if these are in school zones at least they will be driving slow there.

Yup.  It is not as though bicyclists don’t regularly blow through stop signs and red lights that piss off pedestrians and other drivers because it is confusing and dangerous.

The politicians are narrow minded. So people avoid areas due to cost is a good thing? Cities can not bitch about not having enough tax revenue and then turn around about having too many people in their jurisdiction going out and spending money.

Yes, Uber and Lyft are what make urban cores less desirable places to live...

Agreed, comrade.

The real problem with society is private ownership

Oh look another Jalopnik thinly-veiled progressive propaganda article what a surprise. I suppose taxpayer-funded light rail and cycling would be the solution to all these “issues”.

“make efforts to counter the growth of ride-hail services, or surrender city streets to fleets of private cars, creating a more hostile environment for pedestrians and cyclists and ultimately make urban cores less desirable places to live.”

Yeah, what a fuckhead. It’s not like he installed an 808 HP motor in a regular car and made Ford and Chevy shit their pants.

Dude, if you want to be like Mergio, you need to swap the first letter of the names. Wait, nevermind.

You had me at “supercharged V8 all the things.”

“He once punched a hole in a cow just so he could see who was coming up the road. Mike Manley!”

Fucking Canadians.