
Probably, if someone has almost no history or very low credit limits and a score in the 500's, having a 10 year old, 15k limit card appear on their score will dramatically improve that.  Credit utilization is 30% of the score, and going from 100% (or something high) utilization to 10% will make a big jump, then adding

Ah, send farmers to college, at the expense of the entire rest of their livelihood.  Convincing argument.

So (IMO) they vote against their interests out of anger and spite.

What interests are they voting against?  

That’s not seasoning, and it sounds like you don’t have a properly seasoned pan. A properly seasoned pan is amazing, truly non-stick, eggs just slide right out.  All of the care “myths” are for taking care of the seasoning, not the pan.

Meh, I got my flu shot at LH’s recommendation, no need to stay home.

We needed a whole long article to say “get the flu shot”?

Yes, tax them like we just fought a major world war and are paying to rebuild a continent left in rubble....

Finally, the idea that educated Americans should be a rarity in order to keep their value up is just ridiculous.

  • $1.215 trillion: Reduce defense spending. 

Nuts, 20x our current annual spending.

And not everyone is looking at higher education as a means to get a job. Some people just... you know, want a higher education. Imagine that!

$10k in student loans isn’t a “crisis” or hardship.  People borrow 3x that to buy a car, or rack up more than that on credit cards buying a TV.  You could work minimum wage for 9 months and have it paid off.  Or, under a normal repayment schedule, you’d need to find about $100/month, or the price of cable.

“I let leopards eat MY face! Now everyone should have their face eaten! little pieces of their faces taken and given to me!

Why would you adjust for GDP? Spending per pupil is the relevant metric, we #2 on that list. Adjusting for GDP just says we could “afford” to spend more, not that we’d need to or see any benefit from it.

And why do you say the US is spending more than it should? What are you comparing it against?

It makes you more woke or something

No, don’t cut them.  It’s like a pulled pork sandwich, and the whole reason to use pulled chicken over chunked chicken.

But you miss out on that 2% for the year you’re paying it down.

The menu doesn’t even have pictures, how’s he supposed to know they’re the same thing?