Dante Thunderstone

Thank you, this makes sense and what I actually wanted to know about what the people who worry are envisioning.

It may also be used to give business intelligence to companies otherwise unrelated to you, providing them with an illegitimate, if not illegal, competitive advantage. [...]

Pizza sauce is in no way a condiment.

There was a character on it who’s running gag was asking “Why?” repeatedly over and over as the person she was interacting with had to explain every little thing even though it was obvious.

People seem more worried about China spying on them than their own government. For reasons I cannot fathom, honestly.

I’ve asked this elsewhere since I don’t really understand.

The data could be used for fraud/theft, yes. This already happens. I’m unsure why you keep bringing up war.

If it’s not common sense for you, try researching Huawei, government sponsored attacks on American businesses, spyware preinstalled on Lenovo laptops, and countless instances of stolen intellectual property that China refuses to acknowledge even when caught red handed.

You’re putting words in my mouth. I don’t know if they are or aren’t.

China cares about information. They don’t give a shit about you, per se, but they sure as hell do care about people’s information as a whole, as well as targeted people that have more access than others like low level government officials, people mid-to-high on corporate ladders, etc. These people generally have less

Oh man. Are we really going to go down the “it’s racist to not want to install a rootkit from a country’s government well known for stealing anything it can” route?

I don’t think it’s cool and should function the same as other anti-cheat measures, to preface.

They tried to show me a Deadspin “article” in the G/O Media Kinja ticker. Comments are disabled.

I mean, that’s how I lived before anyone was quarantined.

It would be so easy to sleep 14 hours, eat junk food, and let your beard grow out.

Somehow, this is not a parody. This is a real headline. 

You know americans also committed war crimes right? I dont see you whinning about those. Hypocrite.

You aren’t commiting crimes against humanity you’re commanding fake armor divisions in a military game.

Never expected to see any Wilhelm Reich kicking around here.

You can also get a chance to get into the Closed Beta if you link your Riot account and stream it on Twitch. The drops are closed for the day but I believe start again tomorrow. Will give it a whirl and see if I can get in