Dante Thunderstone

I’m into it. With 300+ hours a piece on CS:GO and Overwatch, plus a fan of magicy-ness with contemporary-ness (yeah I word good), I’m kinda excited even.

Rhymes with 'Herb'.

Really looking forward to the list of ‘The Best Lists on Kinja’ list list.

Midir was nuts and the only boss in 3 I used co-op with. Gael and the other sword boys were usually the easiest for my playstyle (dodge frequent and 2 hand heavy swords).

Friede is one of the hardest fights in all Soulsborne for me. 

she writes, adding that those who want to stay strong should avoid “sugar, fighting, alcohol, fear, processed foods, isolation and stagnation.”

the system that has lifted the standard of living of more people, to greater heights, than any other system in history

The covid-19 pandemic has illustrated what was already the reality of the working class in the United States: Its only function is to grease the wheels of capital. This is an untenable travesty that has been normalized.

*plaintive guitar cord strummed*

The left has a massive problem with purity policing and eating our own. Either we embrace electoral politics in which case Ocasio-Cortez’s position is as about far left you can get while still participating in American elections, or you go full vanguard and roleplay communist in your basement and pretend you’re going

After selling out, K.K. Slider found himself rich, but unfulfilled. Emptiness and self-doubt slowly ate at him, from the inside. His performance becomes mechanical, perfunctory. K.K. turns to the bottle, and then harder and harder drugs to numb the isolation and hatred he felt. It made sense, he was a musician. His

“In summary, this sucks for everyone. Except one-year-olds. One-year-olds are very happy now.”

Lmao, is that a shooting threat prompted by discussing the redundancy of landlordism?

An important thing to note that I’ve seen is Reade originally went to the TimesUp movement itself to report this, in early January. She was turned away because they said they couldn’t be involved in politics:

It’s very telling that you responded to a question about “blanket outrage”, and in the middle, tried to sneak in a “Did the landlord earn the capital by working hard, and then investing? Sometimes. Many times, no.” and then continued on being specifically angry about the ones who employ predatory practices as if

My friend is a nurse in Michigan, she’s been sharing posts about the dangers of Coronavirus and the need for social distancing for over a month, relentlessly. It’s very upsetting to see this. 

I agree, fully. I’ve wrote a lot of words in the following thread so it’s not your fault for not reading it, but I replied to other commenters I bet they’re great landlords, I don’t blame landlords, and I think many probably actually worked hard to get where they are. I’m strictly talking about their structural

For my American friends, if this hasn’t convinced you that medicare for all is a necessity, it is because you are deeply, irredeemably stupid.

So y'all gonna talk about the credible sexual assault allegation or nah?