
Oy vey! what's wrong with that?!?

i'm still pretty sure get out is a comedy


Thanks mang

It wasn't really a punch. He had a blunt object hidden in his sleeve. But anyway, as long as you label as "NAZI" or "NEO-NAZI" the people you violently silent, you're golden. Kick the shit out of them, murder them, but just be sure to call them a Nazi.

Please point to where Richard Spencer advocates for the elimination of the "black race."

How did everyone who engages in WRONGTHINK get labelled a Nazi? Shouldn't they just be DOUBLEPLUSUNGOOD?

Wow Jonah is doing a great impression of a condescending pseudo intellectual in this interview.
"Jack Johnson said in an interview once that he saw Fugazi the one time they came to Maui, so you have to give him a little bit of cred"
hahaha great character, Jonah. I hope to see some of this douchey, high-schoolish,