
Like that would surprise me.

Progressives are real good at defining the rules that OTHERS should play by. But it is a tenant of their cultish faith that “rules” do not apply to them. In fact, they consider dishonesty, deception and hypocrisy to be “tactics”.

And unfortunately, a sizable portion of our population is so

While a far less “significant” analogy, I’ve often told people that “spell check/autocorrect” actually became DANGEROUS when it hit about 85-90% accurate. That caused US to stop paying attention. Same here. I’m not sure autopiloted cars IS a “good thing” for this very same reason. 100% accurate ain’t EVER gonna

It wouldn’t have happened with a bus or likely anything that would have people. I’m absolutely certain that it was the high gap between the tractor and the trailer wheels that caused the Tesla TO “not see anything”, because there was nothing there to see.

Definitely a technical issue that MUST be dealt with. I’m not

Obama’s entire Presidency has been a bad SNL skit.