I don’t think they’re just a homer. I think this is probably the first time they’ve ever watched hockey if they believe that’s goaltender interference.
I don’t think they’re just a homer. I think this is probably the first time they’ve ever watched hockey if they believe that’s goaltender interference.
Someone’s salty.
Sexist straw man arguments are clearly the way to win arguments.
ehhh. Had they actually had a 50 minute ride through this tunnel, it would have been fine. They were in their own car.
We had been together for 5 years and living together for 2 when I proposed. I can’t say “I just knew,” it was definitely a gradual thing. We just work together. We talk things through. Our fights (more like ‘I’m going to passive aggressively give you a semi-silent treatment for about 20 minutes’) don’t last very long.…
Some random fucker on the internet comes to mind blowing conclusion that thousands of crash test scientists haven’t even THOUGHT of before.
Mobility that gets taken away entirely from a Sombra hack. He would be useless as just a melee character without a massive health pool like Rein.
But by doing that you would need to make him a tank - which he is not. Rein can get away with being melee only - huge health pool and armor helps mitigate any downtime from Sombras hack. Plus, rein is a tank - he should be in the middle of his team and have backup if he gets hacked. Doomfist is offense - maybe hanging…
The gun is really only backup. It’s not very strong, and it’s necessary in case of a hack from Sombra. If Sombra hacks Doomfist, he would literally have no defense without the gun.
I’ve been waiting for him to show back up and try to blame Tesla some more.
Toyota would beg to differ.
Love how you get called out for being full of shit - since the site clearly states those features may not be available or even legal depending on where you live - and haven’t come back since.
Too late for a driver to take control? It’s a Level 2 system - the driver ALWAYS has control and should always be in control.
We’re third class citizens to them. Stay strong brother.
After S2, I started waiting 2 weeks before playing comp. It’s really the best decision. It allows the salty, insta-lock, refuse-to-change kind of players to fall into their lower rank.
I actually do know someone who had their eyeball pop out from holding in a sneeze. Granted, it wasn’t ONLY the sneeze that did it.
The above article is about how McEnroe got “owned” and is wrong in this situation. The fact is, he’s not. Exaggerated a bit with the rank of 700, maybe. But he’s definitely not wrong. Why is pointing that out a bad thing? Because you think defending someone for their opinion should be lambasted if they’re a man?
Gold damage alone as Junkrat means you’re probably not doing as well as you could on another character. I’ve found that’s what a lot of Gold players don’t understand - just because you have gold in one stat doesn’t mean you’re actually being useful. Burning down shields is helpful, don’t get me wrong, but you 100%…
Please, explain to me how jumping over a train puts anybody’s life at risk other than his own?