
wow you are just a fucking dickhead. stop following my post around

I and many other's think the characters are fine. I never got into Dollhouse so i didnt get your reference earlier. The FX are grounded as the show was always intended to be. The cast is atrocious? really? You have to admit youre pretty much all hyperbole here buddy..i would go on but i dont have time for hyperbole.

While i respect others opinions, i disagree and think that you state a lot of opinion as if it's fact. I accept that we live in a world where teenagers do this and i guess adults do now too. Plenty of great literature and media has taken time to build. Only in recent years has everyone become so short sighted. Why are

i dont see them as bobbled moves. I see fans as kind of being sort sighted or wanting immediate gratification in story telling. no insult meant to you personally. I felt like thats what fans were pissed about last season , they couldnt figure out whyu anything or anyone mattered and wouldnt let the story build. You

Then we have vastly different viewpoints. The show has been great since the beginning and all tied together well with great characterizations that have evolved. All of this was planned before they filmed the first episode. I suggest downloading and watching it all together if you want the full experience. critiquing

Hydra will sacrifice their agents for a larger goal. Heck half of them are brainwashed anyway. Ward is in charge of that situation

couldnt disagree more. You must be one of those people that did not like the first season until cap 2

NO that was Crossbones

I agree. I expect we'll see Inhumans, and maybe get a world-wide release of Terrigen Mist in AoS and various movies over the next couple of years, and the Inhumans movie will focus on the Royal Family, but not introduce the concept or be an origin story. They can easily have a younger actor play a younger version of

i seriously doubt that. Ward is Hydra. Shield tried to hand him over to his brother. The "Gift" he gave them is a set up. Bakshi will get near Simmons and get all "compliance makes you happy" and she will be all like "happy to comply"

X-tacles > X-Ternals

agreed. ward is obviously bad news and I'm willing to bet the bakshi gift is a set up