His rant is about how people live by society’s conditioning instead of honestly thinking for themselves.
His rant is about how people live by society’s conditioning instead of honestly thinking for themselves.
Do you people really sit around and get all hot and bothered about any remotely demeaning social movement not portrayed to your liking in media, such as in Persona 5 in this case? Does it truly, deeply upset you? Seriously? Stop and think about it. Are you really that sensitive, self-certain, and arrogant to believe…
Yeah, except... the “outrage” is fake here. I have spoken to exactly zero people who have an opinion on this issue. If the survivors of the mass shooting in Aurora have an opinion on another Joker movie in that theater, that’s completely their business. Let’s not pretend there’s a mass uproar over this, though,…
“Phillips argued that “outrage” has become “a commodity,”
Yeah and he’s 110% right. This is a weird narrative that is being pushed by people like Sam Barsanti so they can pump out a few more articles with the word “incel” in the headline and wonder about how damaging this movie is going to be while pointing out how dangerous white people are.
Right, I generally agree with you. I think this is a good thing for him (and wrote that in my first version of the above comment) and I appreciated the bulk of his post, but when he tries to turn it into a lesson for everyone, he loses me. Let people do that for themselves, find themselves in his experience. Don’t…
Hipster scam Jesus church for donations sure has a great PR team. Let’s not debate the merits of it.
What from this story makes you think he is making any progress? Elizabeth wrote that but Todd doesn’t say that in the quotes.
I am so torn on this. I understand the family position, but it almost makes things worse to be so secretive. I kind of wish they would just be open and honest about his condition.
Oh not this again. Evidently this woman is using her privilege to complain without any fear of recourse, and deeply stew and complain about what she perceives as slights against her. The ability to magnify and possibly embellish random micro-behaviors into something Jezebel-worthy with total confidence that there…
They also recommend putting a tube sock on the business end of the baseball bat so that if the intruder grabs it they get the sock but can’t take the bat. I’d suggest a generous coating of lube instead which will prevent the intruder from taking your weapon but also make him think you’re not afraid to go back to…
On the plus side, no one else can pair equipment with your Mac either, so now you’re safe!
I respect this womans hustle. She is click bait incarnate and she is making bank of it now.
Just because you have no empathy doesn’t mean others don’t. But then, you’d have to have empathy to understand that, because that’s what empathy means.
Not like they’re in a real war, or anything.
You might want to just skip all games with violence and realism. Mortal Kombat is the extreme but so many games like The Witcher 3 or Assassin’s Creed, Call of Duty... have bodies hanging in trees, being gunned down, animals being killed people being mutilated... those things need to be referenced in order to make…
While, I agree that this type of work can affect you....
He says in the article he doesn’t actually know, $10K is extremely vague. I can say in the place where I work while not a game studio (still a tech company) it costs much much less than that and the average salary is higher than game studios and we’re in a higher cost area.
Well, you don’t actually know, so you can’t promise that, since they don’t give the budgets out.
That’s probably an overestimation, the majority of staff will cost much less than that, especially those like testers, even if you average out for the higher paid employees I doubt it comes out to $10K/month per person. Otherwise most games wouldn’t hope to make a profit, like for example Mass Effect Andromeda would…