
ah…remember when it was cool to post a picture of yourself with #bringbackourgirls. Yea….that was successful. Good on ALSA for donations…they deserve the funds…but Americans have an attention span of a gnat. I wonder what the next celebrity fueled, narcissistic challenge will be? I can't wait…

let's just dump ice water on the kittens. Come on…it's for a good cause.

wait? aren't you the same guy that just insulted the shit out of gen-x…back the f*ck away from the Beasties, sir. Right now.

I'm pretty sure I love you.

I suggest you get your news from sources other than TV…and when you actually have enough knowledge to make an informed opinion…you will then see how ridiculous this statement is. For the record…out of the 3 news/entertainment channels you mentioned…only Fox is banned in Canada for failing to meet journalistic