Captain Tangent is totally rad()

You joke, but this kind of stuff is the best part of a math degree. Applied math is for suckers.

Military pilots also traditionally refer to their aircraft as “super fighter jet plane[s].” Pretty sure that’s laid out in the Constitution.

Rattle rattle thunder clatter boom boom boom.

go woke [car] go broke [car] /s

Looking rather constipated too, which fits with the general design cues I’d call “slightly overinflated.” (Look, I’m doing everything I can not to call it hideous - oops, just did.)

“Select all of the boxes containing your butt print”

Hey, someone else who’s been around forever! Indeed, pretty sure Kinja was its best the first day it appeared; anything that’s changed has broken it further and further. With engagement (interaction, not clicks) nonexistent outside of Giz and Jalopnik, and being frustrating on those two, I do cynically wonder if

Yeah, the PSVR2 seems like a tough sell in the PC VR arena - the price is toward the “premium” end relative to other PC options, yet the features/lack thereof (no wireless operation, seriously?) fall far short of even cheaper hardware. To me at least, the real sales pitch is, “Already have a PSVR2 for your PS5? Now

I dunno, ceraluminum sounds like a particularly unpleasant type of earwax to me.

Oh yes, let’s keep having the powers that be waffling about “oh golly gee, I don’t know if we can keep Spa and/or Monza on the schedule next year!” but keep running this atrocity until the heat death of the universe. Seriously, the entire points-earning grid saw no change whatsoever, and nobody bats an eye. Ugh.

As we’ve always said, the most boring dinner party is one where nobody has an opinion—and, with this new LLM, Alexa will have a point of view, making conversations more engaging

I sure don’t! Sometimes colorblindness/deficiency pays off.

Thanks! It was my fault, not the browser or site - I’ve discovered over the past few days that my habit of ad-blocking the many empty boxes on G/O sites has led to real content not showing. Oopsies.

Oh for crying out loud. I’ve recently discovered that my “ad-block all the empty white spaces” (of which there are many) habit has resulted in actual content not showing; in my insanity-plea defense, the article I read technically didn’t say any of that!

Agreed. Watch those tapes and discs, but turn them into ones and zeroes on your computer/NAS/etc. It’s worth the effort.

8K 960Hz OLED (but at the same price) or bust!

That interior is wild. Everything about it is just nuts to look at, like it’s Willy Wonka’s weekend cruiser or something. I’ll even forgive the snoozer black (I generally don’t have a problem with black like so many others, but I prefer crazy cars to be crazy colors... However, with this one, does it really need any

That ship sailed long ago, at a minimum since they started calling them “LED” TVs instead of “LED-backlit LCD.” As far as I can tell, now that OLED has been declared the better* screen type, companies want to make their LCD TVs sound just as good with names like QLED (still LCD, but with tiny “quantum” backlight LEDs)

I spy a Weird Al fan

Four-barrel carburetor, four-speed manual transmission, two exhaust pipes. What more could you possibly need?