
Haha, Altima!!!

I guess. My office is off San Vicente and LA Brea, the few neighbors I know pay on average 1600-2100 a month in rent. Low crime, nice neighborhood, trees, clean, walk to coffee restaurants.

Shit, it’s cheaper than home ownership.

Don’t hate them too much, It’s easy to heckle a nice car when it crashes and then leave the event in the 2002 dx Civic they came in.

Off duty officer can’t do anything, the organizers would need to get a special use permit, which would require liability insurance. I’ve done this in Los Angeles, base cost (depending on what city in LA County) $5,500.00 and that IF you already have production or event insurance.

I don’t either, mostly because I couldn’t see them all before the internet.

I was right next to you!

David, we all need more positive affirmation like this. Thanks!

Reading anything from the USA Today site is like going to a bad used car lot. Between the glaring “Buy This Now!” pop-ups and the piss poor layout you almost forget they have no idea what they are talking about when it comes to pretty much any subject.

It kind of reminded me of the Ice-T/Janes Addiction collaboration.

God forbid he should piss off Capital One and lose a huge ad contract.

Spot on!

Wait, the MK1 GTI didn’t handle well? Compared to what from the same era and price point?

Instagram stories are vertical. So is snapchat.

It’s like the casting notes were: “Drive through a white collar Colorado suburb and just find anyone who looks like their dad is some type of CEO.”

I had a ford explorer with the terrain control package for about a week for work. It was great!

I just wish this guy would find who really shot JFK.

I’ve seen some killer sequential LED mods on cars that look pretty good.

I’ve been waiting for that tech to happen for a while. I saw a guy who had shaved his side marker lights and put in fiberoptic strands. It looked like a solid body panel with some pepper on it until he turned on his blinker. It was crude but you could see the potential.