Fight the machine

I don’t know if your are replying to the wrong person or wrapped up in all the replies you got but most of what you said is not relevant to my comment. I said that mask mandates in a particular area were not an indicator of safety or spread and that politics and political party affiliation are a significant

In a world where health officials can the shots and go off data that is true.  I can say in Montana we got not cases in the Delta or omicron waves than the previous waves but had less mandates and kids were in person mask optional during a worse surge. The difference is the state elected a new Jersey transplant for a

If you are getting 20 across Montana you are probably driving easy down the high line with a 40 mph trail wind.  

Also my grandpa worked for the country fleet, aka managed sheriff's vehicles and my dad worked at a dealer and just in general from talking with police about thier vehicles they are almost always opposed to the new model of vehicle coming into the fleets.  This goes back to the diplomats of the 80s, the caprice, crown

I think some companies don't finance vehicles over 100k miles.  If you are paying cash it is less compelling but with a loan your rates might be different

My grandpa has a story from when he worked in an alignment shop and a guy can in with a Lincoln in the 60s that no one would do a tune up on. The guy said he didn’t care what what he did, he just wanted a tune up with new spark plugs. The solution was to take a hole saw to the inner fender where each plug was so you

The power of cult of personalities is strong, maybe they never break a certain threshold of the market because of stuff like this but it seems like a certain percentage of people have chosen a side with or against Tesla who would not be swayed.

Hasn’t Toyota already had issues with offering remote start as a subscription? I think all automakers will do this to the extent that consumers will tolerate it.

Even newer cars can get totaled for dumb stuff.  If the cost to repair is a certain percentage is the value they total it.  With all the cameras and sensors outside the car I can see a crash being really expensive that may not cause much actual structural damage.

I had a girlfriend with an Impala that had that system.  It wasn't noticable until you pulled off the freeway and your ears were ringing from the radio.  Just make the dang car quieter to begin with

My Civic makes a nice transformer sound when I set the parking brake, so some cars are still fun

My guess is that most manufacturers would attach it to the same placers track that runs the window up thus giving you two options to not roll the window up when said track breaks

By the end of the run they still came standard with an LT1. Even though it wasn’t the LS1 that followed it was a solid performer. I do think the C5 is the Corvette to get but the C4 is still a decent performer and should have some collector status.

Honestly the person who put together the slide show should have done the minimal amount of vetting, or the definition of muscle car had been distorted to mean any American car that has rwd and a V8.  I have a hard time believing anyone who bought a Aspen RT considered it a muscle car, it was just the glam luxury

Like most of the cars on the list these do not meet the criteria

Same on the Civic LX. I bought my 2018 sport hatch for half thier price

41k for a base Civic is crazy too.  I'm sure you can option a Accord for that money but it seems like thier plan is just under double MSRP for any car.

Although to be fair, the Chrysler interiors I have had usually look cheap but don't rattle too bad.  My ram from that era looks cheap inside with 5 shades of tan but it's quiet and the seat is comfortable

I hear the, the added performance you gain in snow isn’t worth the performance you lose on dry roads but if you are within 90 percent the limit of your all seasons on dry roads regularly you are probably driving like a jerk or at least in a manner that would get you called in to the highway patrol.  The handling of

I’m not sure if this is some sort of survivor bias or what. I would say through driving a reasonable powered car in autocross I have decent throttle control. In snow with weight in 2wd I can get around in my pickup but not nearly as well as every single other vehicle on the roads. I guess to some they view that as