Fight the machine

Right now it's a non running mess but sitting in it is a supercharged Buick 3.8 with coilover suspension front and rear and a fully adjustible 3 link rear suspension.  My dad built widebody flairs for the 10 inch wide tires and right now I'm building the firewall.  It should be fun when it's done

Idk, Miata in Montana means it’s a 30-50 year old guy with a beard who likes to autocross. A Wrangler usually means someone moved from another state and wants to blend in.

Reminds me of when I owned a neon in 2012 in Billings Montana, I never locked the doors because of someone broke in and broke my window a new one cost more than the car was worth and honestly if they saw that car and thought something in there might make thier life better for a few minutes, then they need it more that

Oh God, I'm just assuming that was like a car version of "Hot or Not".

As oppose to an American motorcycle and diesel pickup which equates to no sense of humor

When I worked at a motel a Corvette club stayed one night before going to thier next stop. I don’t think they had a show in town but that didn’t stop then from using every towel to wipe down thier cars.  I still would love a C5 for autocross/track days but it's more fun to troll the British car guys with my gutted MGB

When I bought my pickup truck and was showing it off to my friend he walked up to me, hugged me and said "I'm so sorry about your penis"

My dad worked at a tire shop and often the Dr with a BMW or the old guy with the Cadillac would buy the cheapest tires that fit.  It was amazing, they could spend 50-60k on a car in the late 90s but didn't want to spend 800 for tires.

I get why a business doesn’t want to make diagnostics easier, it’s in their best interest but I don’t believe it is as hard as you or they make it seem. This already happened in cars with OBD2, a mandate was set out a few years in advanced, car companies designed thier vehicles to a common standard and you could use

My dad tried to keep me from getting interested in cars even though he raced a stock car before I was born, had a 1970 Barracuda and worked as a mechanic and in a tire shop. He didn’t want not me to be a mechanic but to go to college.

You forgot

If he doesn't put them on them the factory has no reason to build them and those are jobs man.  Also that has to be a unfulfilling job making a bezel that will fall off within a week

You could always spot the 3.0 in a Chrysler product by the cloud of smoke that followed it

Might be a different answer, but the 2.8 that was in my first car, a 1986 Jeep Cherokee. Came with a blown engine, I blew up the one we rebuilt and we sold it. My cousin had 2.8s in two S10s, both burned oil, then he got a long block at Napa for it. I have heard that in the cars they were fun and they are common swaps

Possibly, it seems like a fair number of people also got them for the ultimate Civic and realized for one reason they should have gotten something less hardcore.  On paper they are as practical as a regular civic hatchback, but even in my civic sport I rarely come close to the limits outside of an autocross.  I

It’s a reminder that when you meet people like that you don't need to do anything, just wait until they run into another person like them and grab popcorn

500 is ok, you just really have to wring it out on the on-ramps and plan your passes, but it makes for a nice momentum car.

Handling is a tricky thing to explain because it is a combination of feel and driver confidence. I would make the point that handling had gotten better, tires shock technology, and bushing materials might be the big reasons for the change.

DUI or DWI I think can be more complex. I saw a statistic when I was in training for drivers education that most people who get a DUI have already driven drink around a dozen times. Many people will make that calculation that they can probably get away with it, even after getting caught once or twice because

I’m more into the early 70s airport car with the fuselage look but regardless of year you are correct