Fight the machine

I wonder if that little graph on the ESPN gamecast predicting the likelihood of victory broke.

When I was looking for my Civic the salesman actually had to see that you could option the car with the drivetrain I wanted, although I did spend some time on the configurer before I went in

Right, the writing sounds sarcastic, but I often mention the optional CVT when I take friends for a ride in my Civic Sport hatch, because thankfully I got the 6 speed

It also makes them easier for drunks to steal.  In the cases that I have seen that it is usually the drumline doing it

I feel like it's usually lawyers and PR people in a room trying to figure out what looks the best, costs the least and protects them from a lawsuit

In college I got a scholarship for marching band, as a drum major I got a in state tuition waiver.  The money depends on institution, but was available at Montana State for non majors and since I have left it has gone up substantially.  

Although with the land Rover it could be hard to tell if it was intentional or traditional British build quality

Not just that, if I were on strike and had to read reports about the investigations of UAW leaders misusing funds while I was diping into savings I might not really have much desire to continue not earning money.  The union may not have much leverage here

And the best of those were the Chrysler police car dog dish hubcaps with the holes around the edge.

I agree, plus it has the benefit of being a clone, so while it's 50k, it's not the real thing and you don't have to worry about it staying in pristine condition.

It has to be rewritten. Any team can waste generation talent, but to outright crush them and then boo him when they find out he has physically and mentally had enough. I have been a Colts fan since the Harbaugh years, this might be the lowest point I have seen

I was thinking the same thing

If people only bought the 911 for lap times and bragging rights it would, but it seems like Porsche is good at putting together the whole package.  Either car is going to have limits well beyond what you could ever do in roads without getting pulled over.  

Or sport

You think this is bad, wait till you see what automakers have done with the word “Limited

I’m curious as well, there has been a "fix" to address the fuel dilution issues some are having that involved changing the fuel mapping to help the car warm up faster in non si civics and crv's, I wonder if those changes are part of the drop in fuel mileage

He is doing everyone a service, when he shows up on stage at the open mic night everyone knows to leave before he starts playing

It reminds me of the old saying "you can go broke saving money".  Even if the terms of the lease weren't as good as they should have been it's still probably cheaper to just ride out the lease and spend that year researching your next car.

I think we also love it because we haven't driven one

What I find interesting is that it seems no matter how bad a car is there is always a group of people that love it.  This is like a test of the inverse, no matter how lovable a car may be, is there a group of people that hate it.  Considering Elmo gets hate mail I am guessing that's true.  PS, I hate the El Camino