Fight the machine

Where was it to be raced?  I'm curious because it's not a production car, it seems like it wouldn't conform to most race series outside of something like a prototype category

It’s also called disruption when investors aren't sure how it works, but don't want to miss out if it somehow starts making money

Head to Head had one for a comparison with a reproduction GT40. It spent most of the time broke down, the company that makes it even sourced another Ferrari for the transaxle. A, I find it hilarious when you are sourcing a Ferrari when every other reproduction company looks for something affordable, factory five for

Didn’t they raise the whole body to conform to us headlight regulations on these.  I think the cool thing about these is you can backdate them to the more desirable years but teaming down the right parts.

Honestly when I got my MGB I was looking into alfas as well, as a second vehicle that you use for cruising you could do a lot worse. They have a cheap entry price, parts aren’t outrageous and you can backdate them to the earlier specs pretty easy.  If you like to tinker this would be a decent car to fuss with

Indeed, someone should tell Ford and FCA

Stop with the owl, no one gives a hoot

The Pacer had more glass than the caddy in it’s right door, not it’s left door though

Serious question, how do they test these helmets? Most other safety tests they test something to the point of failure but my assumption here is that he sent in the helmet he intended to use.

I think we’re both in agreement that some wicked crashes seem to be happening at Pocono that aren’t typical of other tracks on the circuit. I think if they do anything, it should be a suspension of racing at the track until they have a data driven solution in place at the track.  Doing something without a lot of

2nd gear

Over the track intercom, it was reported that photographers near the scene were helping pick carbon fiber out of the fence.”

Honestly for most buyers having a heavy forward weight bias on a fwd car is a benefit, it’s better traction in poor conditions and because the engine is ahead of the axle centerline less weight is transferred to the rear wheels under hard acceleration. With the right spring rates they can be fairly balanced handling

I don’t know if it is the reason for the crossovers taking over the world, but I did notice similar proportions on the Mazda 6 and liked the car asthetically, but also felt uneasy because it seemed like it was living a lie

Not sure if best moving company, or worst moving company?

Lol, Right.  I know Cummins is already working on an electric short range truck, maybe they can get enough traction and some big fleets require that "standard" maybe everyone will just adopt it.  I know, I'm optimistic

Neutral, I see battery swapping in commercial trucking. An 18 wheeler rolls into a service station, they change out the batteries and it’s on its way and with fewer players I see it being more likely that they either agree on a standard, or cat has one, Cummins another and it covers a big portion of the market.  

They were based on a stock car but they had some serious deception going on. The vents on top of the fenders were to cover up the holes they had to cut in the tops of the fenders so the tires didn’t rub at speed racing at Daytona.  It's a pretty good example of some of the better parts of Nascar

Who wants a special edition that addresses the cars perceived flaw when you can host give it more of what it already has

I think the reason is that in 50 years they figured out how to put a spoiler on the car and still get the trunk open.  I believe that was the reasoning for the first won't being so high