Fight the machine

I think it's more that instead of transferring the torque through dogs or syncros it's transferred through a clutch.  Gears in either design are constantly engaged and spin freely in the shaft unless engaged.

It looks like they used three shafts to offer more combination of ratios with less gears and instead of using syncros or dogs to engage the gears use a clutch.  It's clever, but I think if people had a 3d model to manipulate they would see it's not as complicated as it initially appears.

I’m just mad, because when I bought my Silverado the terrible dealer lied and told me it was a Ram.  

Right, I know two people who had always bought used cars that were in the market for a used Toyota and bought a new one. 

I don’t, but I veiw then differently. An artist putting thought and expression into a car and using it's body as a canvas is different from making a design that I can't decide if it's some offshoot of Urban camo or bacon on a brake caliper. 

Pinstripes can accent lines in the body, as can stripes.  I don't think they are the same, both are modifications people can make to a car, but one compliments the design, as oppose to this which looks like a design that was put on an object with no regard to it's shapes.

In my heart of hearts I think if something makes you happy, customize your car how you want so long as it's not rolling death for everyone else who uses the roads, but these designs on any brake calipers give me an irrational strong negative reaction

They are different, but that doesn’t make them an improvement. It’s not as bad as the plastic caliper covers in that they could actually improve performance over stock, but if you are bored with red calipers why not paint them yellow. These designs are all very busy and distract from the actual design of the calipers.

They really are, especially the LS models. I was given a v6 model to haul away but the V8 models seem to hang out way too close to Corvette values. I can’t remember ever seeing a V8 Camaro listed for what i would call a reasonable price.

Honestly it seemed like an incredibly competent car, if I wanted a car that could impress, go fast and do so with some level of reliability it would be something I would look at. I am a little less concerned with how people perceive my ride, so I would probably get a Corvette and ruin it with go fast goodies but I get

You know, I want to hate on these things. I have driven many different fun cars on a closed course and didn’t get the appeal of the R8 until I sat in the passengers seat around Sonoma Raceway in one. They don’t really seem overly impressive on paper but they work incredibly well. I don’t know that I will every be in

I think the point it’s fair, I have never liked the methodology of the ratings. That said, as a 2018 Civic owner, the infotainment is bad, it's glitchy, clunky and frustrating to use.  It would big me if I didn’t teach music and often drive either with the radio completely off, or just on a station so I don’t have to

I guess I am more surprised that 8 teams agreed to that level of access than 2 teams didn’t. There is some serious paranoia in competitive Motorsports, especial considering how much they spend for a slight competitive advantage. When it’s a two team race, I guess you have nothing to lose if your on the outside.

It does have that perfect niche of being rejected by stock car fans because it’s fwd and overhead cam, and not taken seriously by anyone over 16 because it’s painted to look like a race car. I do see this less as the car everyone makes fun of, and more the owner youdon’t initiate eye contact with, for fear they will

My gripe is that emergency stop features are often not available on manual transmission models.  I think this is another hit to a slowly dying segment.

If this checked out in person it would be a great candidate to finish the restoration.  If you looked around you could source some nice seats, fix a few quirks, paint it and have a nice Jeep to cruise around in our house the trail.

Do they feel sluggish though because the oil isn’t warm, or because the fuel mixture is very rich and doesn’t atomize as well? I wouldn’t argue that you are going to wear out your engine waiting an extra couple minutes, I just think the sluggishness you describe it’s more caused by a overly rich fuel mixture and the

Although it’s not a bad strategy to look at oil pressure, as mentioned it may take a little while for oil to reach the smaller galleries and the oil pressure sending unit might not give the full picture of whether you have oil flow. That said until Mrs Frizzle comes by with the magic School bus and takes us inside our

You can think that, but 160k miles isn’t outside the relm of normal wear and tear for a clutch.  Even in some circumstances a second clutch replacement wouldn't concern me if they were spaced fairly evenly.

I don’t know if you are going to stop commenters from beating that dead horse. Any new car that doesn’t have a manual transmission will get comments saying they won’t buy because of it, every new special edition hellcat our pony car will have comments about how they only got 700, 800 or soon to be 900hp.  People will