Fight the machine

Although it’s not a bad strategy to look at oil pressure, as mentioned it may take a little while for oil to reach the smaller galleries and the oil pressure sending unit might not give the full picture of whether you have oil flow. That said until Mrs Frizzle comes by with the magic School bus and takes us inside our

You can think that, but 160k miles isn’t outside the relm of normal wear and tear for a clutch.  Even in some circumstances a second clutch replacement wouldn't concern me if they were spaced fairly evenly.

I don’t know if you are going to stop commenters from beating that dead horse. Any new car that doesn’t have a manual transmission will get comments saying they won’t buy because of it, every new special edition hellcat our pony car will have comments about how they only got 700, 800 or soon to be 900hp.  People will

Pretty much at the title I figured crack pipe, but I didn't want to be the person who just scrolled down without reading so I read the whole thing.  I could have saved some time.

Idk, my experience with Porsche smugness is at an autocross, he wasn’t going to get fast time of the day, so after he ran he loaded his car up and didn’t work the course. This was on the same day I broke my car and went out to work the course. Tesla smugness just send like a milder version of my family members arguing

I’m mostly in your boat, although tires for my pickup are in the 800-1000 a set range.  I do alignments on my race car on my own, and pretty much have them done when I have reason to suspect the alignment or I just bought new tires.

What kind of car do you drive? If that’s your results it seems worthwhile, it’s just a drastically different experience from my own. I usually check my tires with a wear gauge around six months and they wear fairly normally, there might be quirks like the back tires on my pickup rounding off the edges because of the

Honestly are the people getting the alignments noticing that the next time they bring the car in it has changed? I can see getting one if you break a wheel, go into the ditch or spend money on new tires but if you are getting alignments twice a year are you actually saving money? I’m compulsive with maintenance, but

I don't think the reasoning goes beyond "they are tailgating me, therefore I should slow down to annoy them more.". The reasoning is set less in physics and more in the started it

I would say you could have it printed backwards like a ambulance, but let's be honest, most of the people driving under the speed limit probably don't look in the mirror.

I notice a similar thing in my wife’s outback. People are trying like hell to pass me, in my Ram or Civic, not so much

There is quite a rake to the rear window, although I bought one because it has the large opening that allows me to get gear in. A lot of the space is made up in the longer rear overhang, my buddy with a Forester has actually been pretty impressed with how much fits in that car while also fitting a car seat and

Right, or Mazda 3 or Civic hatchback if you are going to count Corolla sized offerings, and a confusingly large field of Hyundai and Kia hatches

I’m just looking on the bright side, which is at least when he crashes into someone in the top heavy pickup it will come closer to matching up with the bumper off the car or pickup they hit.

Well in Evo miles that's something in the neighborhood of half a million miles for a regular car.

The oversculpted front and rear remind me of a TVR

I have struggling with some cognitive dissonance.  There is beautiful work in places and then hoses run haphazardly.  He talks about serviceability, and I'm scratching my head at how he gets the headers out without taking a lot of extra stuff out of the car.  There's determination and hard work but he needs to finish

Maybe, but at least it doesn’t have the tailgate mounted spare. That squeeked and rattled on my blazer so bad we joked about a squirrel living behind the back seat.  So bad even, that you didn't notice how bad every plastic panel in the dash and doors rattled nonstop.

I have always made it a habit to paint parts when I am working on the car. Doing a brake job, paint the parts you remove. Replacing a ball joint, make sure to coat the spindle with some paint.  The next time I work on that part of the car it comes apart easier, it cleans up easier and looks nicer.

Cool, I did a frame swap when I put together the 40 Ford, a 91 Dakota frame fit under it nicely.  The Buick V6 has such an interesting history, its crazy how long it lasted considering they had to buy back the tooling from AMC