Fight the machine

With a Harley wouldn’t it just be better to pour it straight onto the ground?

Specifically one focused on winter tires or summer tires. A personal favorite would be “The best studded snow tire for your car”.

People who watch 60 minutes.

My grandma’s had something like 30k miles and felt worn out. It was honest about what it was, cheap with 4 wheels, but when she offered it to me for free when she finally updated I politely declined as my college beater felt like a better choice

I will agree, unless there is rain.

I think thats the case with all the Civics right now, I bought a Sport Hatch and the looks have really grown on me. I am still not a fan of the center exhaust or the fake openings, but they look less aggressive in real life.

Having owned one, I would say that is where I would have reservations about towing, the brakes. I loved my 2001 and sold it at 230k miles, but the brakes in perfect condition were adequit for the pickup unloaded at best.

It’s not just that he was ignorant, but that he seemed to be set in remaining ignorant. This car wouldn’t have passed tech for a local autocross and his lack of interest in constructive criticism was his downfall.

I used to see a Craigslist post for one of these, they wanted something like 20k for an iron duke Camaro. The car for someone who doesn’t username that some things are rare because only a foot would but one.

Whats worse, is if like the bikes they assembled all the dealer only options in the terrible manner Walmart does with bikes. Imagine the mudflaps falling off, or the lug nuts already rounded off on the lot.

Not a cheat at all, just better at racing the rule book and it seems like there are two possible solutions, either everyone starts running big V6 engines in the class to stay competitive, or the rules change closing up this advantage.

Even with a low range going from just over a 23 inch tire to a 27.5 inch tire is going to changed the gearing, add weight and with 9.5 inch tires put extra load on the suspension, wheel bearings and axels. It looks tough, but I have not seen evidence that there is anything more to it than looks.

Reading the add it didn’t say anything about lower gears so unless the add missed that, this looks like a case of all show, no go. It looks tough and burly but unless Subaru built then like half ton pickups and the engines have the soul of a Jeep 4.0, the hood scoop signifies the usefulness of this brat.

And they often see no fault in the (insert model) and the people who had problems with them were obviously to blame.

I appreciate the Chrysler TC by Maserati reference there. Reading the article it seemed like 50 percent TC, 50 percent 80s Chrysler Imperial. It never fails, no matter how odd, pointless or terrible a car there is always at least one group of people who take it very seriously and have no sense of humor about it.

Not quite, they designed a Grand Caravan but accidentally ordered a bunch of badges that said Pacifica and just rolled with it.

It depends on your state. I see licensed side by sides and quads in Montana, I think the requirements are turn signals, a mirror and lighting. In many other places probably not.

Right, saw the picture and thought that the good old engineers at lotus were optimists to call that a rear seat

What, I didn’t see any jet skis in this video.

Is “intense” a euphemism for the words you’re really thinking, but are afraid to say due to his apparent litigious nature? Does this mean when I see intense I should substitute “bat shit crazy”?