Car eyelashes ruin any model of car for me. Not just the car with them, but all cars of that model.
Car eyelashes ruin any model of car for me. Not just the car with them, but all cars of that model.
The GTX is the gentlemans muscle car, so no. GTX doesn’t need to flex, GTX is a badass because it could do one hell of a burnout and idles out or the parking lot.
That was my belief, and then I started looking and quite a few V8s got the three ventport arrangement. Its weird, because I specifically remember reading that the 4 ports were for the 8 cylinders at one point in a book.
Im not totally sure, the first thing as a kid I did was remove, paint or color over the orange caps or stripes on toy guns to make them look like the real thing. I cant imagine this is out of the relm of the imagination of kids who would look into a car to see the keys in the ignition and drive off with it.
I was always under the impression it had to do with the number of cylinders, not displacement. Then I did a quick search before posting and it looks like you are right, at least for the earlier ones. It does look like the number of ventports correlates to the number of cylinders on later Buicks but a Motortrend…
Reading up on aerodynamics one time I read something like 40% of a cars aero drag was from the cooling system., so a small hole on a high presure area gets the flow with less drag. The other big contributor was the tires if I remember right.
I would still like to see the other side to see what kind of hole they had to pull the driver through.
It depends on whether the vehicle doesn’t fire the fuel injectors during extended no throttle periods. On my 2012 Ford Fiesta it stopped using fuel after a couple seconds of completely letting off the throttle, observable via the torque app. Fuel mileage shot up to 99mpg, as high as the gauge could read, until I…
I guess someone was tired of explaining why the didn’t get the 911 and decided to show it was a real performance car.
I think the added spare is just one more way the Shelby Raptor is better. Stock Raptor, 1 spare, Shelby 2 spares.
If you are a 17 year old boy they accelerate faster than the space shuttle. You just have to believe.
I’m really not sure how to reply, because I feel like you tried to explain something to me that I fully understand. What it boils down to is a regular beam axle with the drivetrain parts not housed in the axle. It has some advantages, but how it functions is basically the same as a your typical 3 or 4 link…
While not everyone has a tow tow I have seen plenty of solutions such as cheap trailers towed behind Miatas and I know a guy with a CRX with a roof rack that he takes off at the event. Also depending on your tire size Hoosiers might be really cheap to get as takeoffs.
That is still probably more than they would have made with any other mod by itself. Honestly looking at the specs these are looking pretty mild for a “Track Tire”, I was thinking something more like a Hoosier R7 when I read track tire.
Im with you, they cared enough to give it a rear trans axle but couldnt be bothered to go IRS and did a De Dion rear suspension which I am intrigued by. If I had the money to throw away, I am all over this
Looking at the comments section I am starting to wonder if everywhere outside of Montana resembles a Mad Max movie. I understand they are hypothetical, but damn.
If they were drug smuggling wouldn’t it just make more sense for the cops to follow it until it stops.
I feel like whats missing is a removable battery pack, like an RC car. You show up at a rest stop, exchange it for a new one and they charge it while you are on your way. Tough in a car, but I think more easily accomplished in a tractor trailer where the space used by the driver is small compared to the size of the…
Im just waiting for them to figure out a way for it to billow clouds of black smoke with an electric car, probably still aimed at a Prius.
I rode to a Brass Quintet gig in one of these. Numerous dash lights were on permanently because taking it to the dealer just turned them off a few days. The gig was in a upscale resort south of Bozeman and on the way there was a mountain goat on the side of the road. He attempted to ram the van with his horns. …