Fight the machine

So a one time bailout of GM and second bailout of Chrysler, two companies that had at that point existed nearly 100 years and 80 years during a heavy recession is the equivalent to Tesla being unable to turn a profit in any quarter of its existence aside from one quarter? Im just trying to understand your reasoning,

Tesla turned a profit in Q3 from selling Pollution Credits. Tesla still exists because investors are willing to continue investing in them despite continues operational loses.

The way coached drivers talk on TV I’m surprised he didnt say “Taste the Rainbow” while he tried to punch Logano.

I actually like the looks of the car, but that interior looks pretty gutted and I have no desire to figure out how to get fiberglass to lay flat again. CP

I just went through the driver manual to check my work, it seems to be a nebulous thing in Montana where I taught. The manual describes solid lines as barriers, but uses the language drivers “should not cross them” much in the way Oklahoma mentions it as hazardous act. The outlining of it, at least in our state give

Crossing any solid line is illegal. I used to teach drivers ed. You can only cross them to do things like pull off the road or turn into a driveway.

When the police are in plain sight and you do this you are an idiot. It was a marked car exactly one car ahead of the Subaru.

You dont ever drive vehicles with a load, do you. This isn’t an egregious amount of space, this is enough to stop comfortably with a loaded vehicle and a load you care about. Double the weight, double the stopping distance.

The truck left space because the driver understands the laws of physics, and with his trailer he needs extra space in case one of the cars in front of them isn’t paying attention and has to slam on their brakes. Every time I am pulling a trailer I either reshuffle my load or almost stain my seats because of some jerk

Most AWD cars do understeer like FWD because they use systems that drive the front wheels first and dont divert more than 50% of the power to the rear wheels. Dont know how the Mercedes system works, but I am sure if it works differently someone with no sense of humor will correct me.

“AWD bro, just plant the gas pedal and the car will figure it out”

I guess rich people who want pointless lifestyle vehicles with premium badges will have to continue to buy the Porsche Cayenne. I dont want to live on this planet anymore.

Thats a lot of money, even for a Subaru that wont blow headgaskets.

I think your wrong in this, because the cheap (relative term) Corvette looks like an underdog next to most cars based on price. Even the GTR Nismo is around twice the price of a Z06. Adjusted for inflation a ZR1 new would have been a Focus RS cheaper than a Nismo. My biggest problem with this is this is one lap, one

Honestly my biggest reservation is that I am having trouble believing that there is little evidence of rust in the pictures. Cars up here really dont rust out and I havent seen one that didnt have at least a few holes in quite some time.

Its almost like they are made by the same company that makes the Mustang.

With a 60 mile range I hope they are planning to have said ranger hauled home, otherwise they better have some serious vacation time banked.

I dont think this ever will be collectible for a couple reasons. One is its part of the pre-Tesla slow lane get you one direction electrics and Two, it was mostly for fleet. Cars that become collectible are cars tons of people had for a first car or cars people lusted after around the time they got their first

I think you might not be giving them the credit that is due. Sure there are brackets available to do this and kits, but they also did quite a bit of one off work on this. Getting a car to hook up like that is no easy feat, my guess is they have also swapped out the rear or rebuild and seriously beefed it up.

Indeed, probably multiple stages. Honestly I have always been a fan of all motor horsepower, but nothing I have built can carry the front wheels that far so I probably say that because I am the slow guy seeing that S10s taillights.