Fight the machine

Wow, of all the times loading a car on a trailer, that is the one thing that has never gone through my brain as a possibility. I usually park on non enclosed trailers and theres that moment where you cant see the trailer, the ramps or anything and just have to be ready to stop before you hit the front of the

Camry, preferably one with the Camry dent already. This way when you crash your parents wont know. Just make sure you always crash on the side that has the dent.

I think most of the worst cars lists are deriative and lazy. They seem to be compiled from a google search and compiling a summary based off the headlines to the articles in the seach, rather than even bothering to click on the link. It is barely above an automotive fart joke, and while fart jokes appeal to some

I think the problem is that most of those articles are lazy. There are way better candidates, like the 57 Dodge, a good design, beautiful and commercially successful and so unreliable that people who owned them were discouraged from owning a Chrysler product or the first couple years of Lean Burn Dodge Aspens. There

Both of them look fast and are the slow way around most courses.

Well you have thousands of reps running the brakes and gas with the right foot, it has very fine controls. Left foot braking has a place in competitive driving but you really need to practice doing it to gain time, otherwise you have some ham fisted braking that upsets the balance of the car. I dont know that I have

How dare they, 475 hp is barely enough to safely merge onto the freeway. Whats next? A Hellcat version with a disappointing 757hp?

You know I would think the same thing if it weren’t for building a 1940 for Sedan, working on my MGB or owning a Dodge Neon. In each case exhaustive searches have turned up nothing on at least one part and either I needed to build something, re-purpose a different part or find another car in a slavage yard. I

A VW with 250,000 miles from the 80s is something I would buy if I wanted every I drove it to be like an episode of Roadkill. Its just not interesting enough to me to fix up and drive myself, I could never get my money back out of it and I already have a 40 Ford to leave me stranded places. CP

I’m not so sure about that. An 80s car with these kinda miles is getting into the territory where you need another car for parts because the stuff that will fail is the kinda stuff you cant get at the local NAPA. At this age I would rather replace the rubber seals and fluids than find space for a second car to keep

I think the SUV has moved into luxury and as they have the Crossovers have stepped into the market SUV’s once had. Even doing online configurations its difficult to spec a Durango or Explorer below the mid 30s. Its hard to believe how much money you can spend on a SUV vs a pickup truck these days.

Only read the article to confirm that it was a 70s Ford Pickup, looked like one but I wasn’t sure.

You cant see it but I am shocked, just shocked. Also insurance companies that are in business to make a profit have a different view on the value of a car than the owner? What is this world coming to?

You are also renting out a car with expensive components to repair/replace that demands a level of skill and attention that the average Camry doesn’t at speed. Take into account the incidental stuff that is not worth claiming, rock chip, nick from a curb there and the cost of wear items such as tires and brakes and

This was my thought. I wouldn’t let my insured friends drive a car like this without me in it. The speed things come at you when you are in a properly fast car is not something general people are used to and there is a reason why you cant pick up an R8 at Hertz.

To those of us who were born in the 80s, its a great world we live in when we can describe a BRZ as underpowered.

I inherited a 2012 Fiesta from my grandma who bought it months before passing to replace her festiva. It could be a fun car, but it really wasnt in the class of the car it replaced. Its only character was good handling and enough power to be barely safe to merge onto our 80mph freeways. I loved the Neon it replaced

Because for... reasons, ok!

“I suppose; automakers have this bizarre and little-understood need to actually sell cars and make money” Insert this into any comment written by an outraged enthusiast. The death of the manual transmission (see above), the FRS needs more power (see above), why are there so many terrible crossovers (see above) and

TG was always good about balancing being a car show and just being entertaining. I never really took it serious as a voice on car trends, reviews or tech but I really enjoyed it because of the banter and the challenges. I think GT took it one step further in that direction, but perhaps what it lost is the allure