Fight the machine

It would have been awesome even stopping at why cant they just move elsewhere? It seems there is an epidemic of people who are in jobs they hate, places they hate or with people they despise who have the means to leave to a place they would be happier and choose not to. If they have the time and resources to pursue

So what your saying in a nutshell is that the car is designed slightly more for fun than it is for speed. Not to say that the two dont often go hand in hand. Is a good summary “if corner carving or a nationally competetive solo car are your passion there may be better cars in the segment, but if you just want a fast

These things routinely do 200k miles easily. The fact that it’s close means people don’t know much about trucks. With less mileage I would expect to see that truck up for 8-12k and the discount seems appropriate. If you don’t like the HP put a tuner on it, gm detuned these from the factory for durability and so you

This is a cool oddity, very interesting and I would love to drive it once just to experience it. Still though, that’s a lot of money for something that will be difficult to get parts for, dangerously slow and you could get a better never RV for less.

Fair enough. Perhaps the biggest issue is that you cant really eliminate inconsiderate people. We can cause more inconvenience and problems trying to stop jerks from being jerks than its worth sometimes.

Since the car has accurate GPS and self driving software it seems like they would also be able to tell that they just disconnected the charger and left the car at the station. With the car able to do updates on its own this doesn’t seem beyond what they are capable of.

Exactly how long are people leaving their cars there. $24 an hour after the 5 minutes doesn’t seem like enough. I think an escalating rate makes more sense to me, bump it up to a dollar a minute after 10 minutes and $5 a minute after 15 minutes or something.

So that they in turn get to hold up the supercharger with said credit for inconveniencing more people.

I gotta agree street legal is overrated. On the autocross side a lot of guys bemoan people who trailer cars but my MGB weighs just over 2000 pounds with me in it, I can roll it off the trailer ready to race with no compromises, and I can beat the heck out of it and if it breaks roll it onto the trailer and fix it at

Im wondering the same thing. I lived in a bad neighborhood in Billings Montana and my packages were safe. My car was broken into three times, my apartment once, my neighbors once and someone broke into the laundry room to steal the coins from the laundry room, but packages were safe.

Cp. You don’t get to recoup the cost of modifications by asking a higher seeling price. I don’t really follow Audi much or thier modifications, but if the engine is so high stressed it needs both intercoolers and water/methanol injection, to me it better be a really interesting second car. This isn’t bonkers enough

This is a crack pipe if I ever saw one. The 2.8 made about the same torque than the iron Duke and has an appatite for cam and main bearings. Three speed auto and a unibody convertible on a car with a chassis already limper than overcooked pasta. Add the condition to the mix and anything over 800 is a rip off.

I guess the bigger question is not what happened, but what will happen next due to neglect/abuse? These engines should be good for well over that milage, heck just about any car from that era should be good for 200k on the first engine.

In retrospect it seems obvious why they didn’t sell well. Aside from the seats the interior looks pretty much like my Ram SLT with a Hemi from the same year that was at least 10k less new. I guess a third row of seats wasnt worth the premium.

I think in some ways you are right. Some of the companies rushing out autonomous car technology are tech companies and I think they don’t understand that your car has to work virtually flawlessly. Software can be cutting edge but when something carries people it has to be more conservative. I think google has used

A properly designed roll cage can add quite a bit of structural support. Although a well designed roll cage has way more attachment points and doesn’t mount to the middle of the the B pillar you hacked off, especially without any additional support. I will admit, initially I thought it was a cool concept, but the

The days where people simply raced to see who was fastest have been dead for some time. The problem is racing bodies are in some ways a business and have been for some time. Egos have made manufactures and racing teams try to lobby for rules in their favor and often threatened to leave when they couldn’t get their

What I really cant understand is that there is a passenger in the second truck who did nothing as the vehicle he was in rolled over a person and across a street. I would be grabbing for the e-brake.

Honestly I’m really liking this for some reason. I didn’t always like this bodystyle of Porsche, but provided the rotary is in good shape I like it. The looks you would get as you wound that engine up around car enthusiasts would be worth quite a bit of the 6000.

I need to, because it defeats the purpose of a Crossover. At best it the best handling vehicle in a segment that will compromised due to higher center of gravity because its primary purpose is to carry more stuff than a midsize sedan and have a commanding driving position. Its akin to buying a Supercar because it