
FYI: I believe the cammo on this beauty is called ‘flecktarn”. German Bundeswher (army/police) use the pattern as the official cammo.  

sounds like shity suicidal and exodus.

kingdom come, metallica, docken?, scores, vh    metallica played stone balloon in newark, de like 3 weeks later....

Equal parts rum vodka and 4 alive almost killed me at the Monsters of Rock at JFK back in the 80's.

When i go to cars and coffee with my Corvair, people come to me and ask me “where is the gear selector?”. I show them. One young woman said to me “why aren’t more cars like this? Why do they have a large lever at all?” I’ve got no answers.... Seems strange that the gear selector - one of the lead used switches in

I dig me some Elec franky. Good choice. Where are all the bands and ideas? Must we wax poetic about cRap?

Maybe now since Fox is mailing in the live coverage, they will be able to leverage more resources to the Russian/English hooligan fights. No one in USA really gives a shit about soccer anyway, they really only watch for the organized fights anyway. Its not like we know the words to their stupid chants and songs. But

Maybe they’ll have a New race in Holland.

I only noticed them on Southwest planes. I always figured it was just there as a some sort of goof or whimsical adornment. It seemed to be consistent with their brand identity of the “fun” airline.

#tubgirl makes an appearance....

Its a meeting of business executives, what did you expect? Also, the table looks to be rectangular, not round.

Careful. My wife belongs to one of the rescues that send dogs to the bowl every year. My house is now Noah’s Friggen Ark.