
Who cares. At 8,300 RPM A TDI would puke out its guts. And it’s about the experience, not the speed. You can get drunk off Pabst or champagne...your choice.

so we can make shit go faster than it did stock. next question?


To be fair, it was a different era. In 1998, urinating in other people’s beds wasn’t as big of a deal as it is today.

you go to a junior collenge

Actually, your first item reads like it came straight out of a “Marketing wank 101" class. The 5th seems straight out of a Community College “design” class. I give your humor a solid 8/10.

Mr. T served in the Army.

Ahh, that’s different then. To watch this short video, you clearly have to quit your job.

Look, how else is a man supposed to compliment his daughter when the only compliments he knows how to give any woman are that he finds her attractive enough to have sex with?

Sadly, he had no idea what to do when he reached third base

This needs more stars!

Fuck bike riders who refuse to stop at stop signs and red lights.

Once shots were fired, however, the station quickly cut to Rudy Giuliani at a conference.

i like saying polestar as if it rhymes with molester

I think he’s just saying that a Camaro that has been in a total-loss accident becomes a Mustang...

“Baby on board” you say?

There’s a strong intersection between the type of dude who wants a brown turbo diesel manual wagon, and the type of dude who would fly 5000 miles on a whim to see a woman he’s only texted.

LOL...you’ve a point.

Sigh: The Camry. It’s a reliable car that gives me zero headaches. In the past, I have owned fun cars, but when I needed to invest in my business, I had to sell my toys so I could do other stuff with my life.

28,000 kilometers is like 5 miles.