

I'm not saying he should necessarily win, but Nakai San should be on this list.

next up - the camaro berlinetta

"As World Series MVP, Chevy would like to award you with a VAN down by the RIVER!"

What is it with professional athletes calling their cop friends. Doesn't anybody just dial 911 any more like a regular person?

A crime? Anyone who swaps an aluminum LS motor into an FD should be sainted!

Dude, that Camary totally trucked that box truck. Tossed it 3 lanes, incredible.

I mean, to be fair Ballaban, there really was not much time left to make modification after they performed the recall repairs.

I guess Mr. Molinaroli lost control of his Johnson.........Hey-yooooooooooooo

Also, is the lady at 0:50 using a Nook to make a phone call?

You sir, take life too seriously.

It's not that we like French cars. We like cars.

I have thousands of roms. Come at me bro.

TLDR: A Soviet submarine hit some rocks inside Swedish waters, and subsequently surfaced. Since Soviet subs weren't supposed to be going around invading Swedish territory, this caused a bit of an incident.

My dad is the man.

Not for nothing, but you can't mention a "Whiskey on the Rocks" incident at the begining of an article and then link to an 88-page PDF download.