
Footrace Between Drunk Bears, Fans Ends Exactly As It Should

Meanwhile, in Chicago...

Now playing

I will always have respect for him for this:


From the future.....

rogue engineers, you say?

you're awesome, Dusty

Why are they talking backwards?

That's like threatening to fight every heterosexual at a Melissa Etheridge concert.

The Toyota Prius. People who love that aren't car lovers. They're environmentalist hipsters.

To Everyone Involved:

Most tiny garden residents (worms, insects, butterflies) have issues with diatomaceous earth, so its presence is detrimental to them - which is why there seems to be a switch in the natural gardening community. Bees, worms and ladybugs are all impacted, particularly through ingestion, as this stuff will rip them apart

Itchy butt at :20.

motorcycle is brake checking, he deserved it. for mother russia

So I can get my black tar heroin fix AND relieve bug bite itch?! THANKS LIFEHACKER!

Like pay your hookers?