He’s just so SURE of himself— thinking that he’s got this edgy new truth-telling argument that’s so airtight, surely this is the magical Get Out Of Being Called ‘Racist’ Free card! He sounds like what idiots think smart people sound like.
He’s just so SURE of himself— thinking that he’s got this edgy new truth-telling argument that’s so airtight, surely this is the magical Get Out Of Being Called ‘Racist’ Free card! He sounds like what idiots think smart people sound like.
This is a perfect example of people thinking free speech means they can say whatever the hell they want too without repercussions. It doesn’t work like that. And lately often free speech and the 1st Amendment is invoked to pretty much make excuses for people being allowed to say and write hateful shit. People like…
Right? So uplifting to see even if in the face of such horrifying disregard and disrespect.
That young man standing up for himself and the other kids is amazing. I would never have been able to advocate for myself like this at that age. Good job parents.
Curt Schilling: “I was nowhere near the fucking place, but if anyone says it happened they’re lying because things...”
Also given the ‘let’s hold a forum’ response, he ain’t worried about keeping his job. Some people only learn lessons when it gets expensive.
I’d of called his family a bunch of hateful shit, and then when he bit back “but it’s just a word, you can’t let a word affect you.”
Yeah. I feel like he probably knew he was digging a hole but figured he should just double down. Such a moron.
there’s a difference and being a white guy and being wypipo
some people are just woefully ignorant. just astonishingly is-this-real-life-or-is-this-a-fantasy ignorant
my eyes were so far back in my head it’s a wonder I could see to write the post.
“Being called a racist is infinitely worse than actually being a racist. NO ONE DENIES THIS.”
Who can I sue for my aneurysm I just had reading that bullshit?!? Why the fuck is that white man still employed?! Fuck that teacher’s entire family history and future
That is for white people that even ADMIT there is such a thing as racism since, to hear some talk, it is a thing of the past. :rolls eyes:
I’m not at all surprised that Coach Ryan might think this stupid shit (I’ve known quite a few white people to say the same), but I’m kind of fucking astounded that he’d get up in front of a classroom full of phone-clutching kids, pointedly drop n-bombs, and then try to seriously argue that no one has a right to be…
If a white person says it’s not racist, it can’t be racist. Apparently those are the rules. And calling that teacher racist is the REAL racism. It could hurt his reputation.
I need a follow up post confirming Coach Ryan has been fired and asked to leave town.
Oh boy. Can’t wait for all the “Build the Wall!” types to complain about how much longer it takes to bring their wives here from other countries. As an immigration lawyer, I get ALLLLLLL the fucking complaints and it doesn’t do much good to remind people that restrictions for the people you don’t like might make…
The proposed changes would apply to a select group of visa applicants singled out because they “have been determined to warrant additional scrutiny in connection with terrorism or other national security-related visa ineligibilities.”