
This immediately made me think of these.

The one and only time I was pulled over was when I was 16, coming home from performing in a National Honors Society haunted house with a car full of people. He walks up looks at everyone in the car and asks for license and registration and walks back to his car. 15 min later he walks up and hands me a “fix-it” ticket

You beat me to posting this.

That is true, but 99% of people think of radiation as nuclear radiation, not thermal radiation.  

My dad, his 91' Miata, and him trying to teach me how to drive stick. unfortunately he sold it before I really got the hang of it, but luckily my brother has had a string of awesome manual cars so I was able to finish learning . That Miata though, was probably the car that solidified my interest in cars.

My second Computer was a compaq Laptop.

Next, they will release self propelled furnace Minecart.

Now playing

Mercedes Magic Body Control provides a similar effect with stereo cameras and computers. It can’t bunny hop though.

So I have been rear ended by a school bus at a stop light before. The driver immediately called her boyfriend, and in front of the entire bus of kids explained to him what she just had done and drove off to the school like nothing ever happened. We follow the bus to school and try to confront her, but proceeds to deny

Ferrari Daytona, it’s good looking, but not as much as people make it out to be.

On my 03 Infiniti I35, on the front passenger side window, if you use the auto up to close it, it just opens back up half way. The only way that window stays closed is if you don’t hit that second “auto” intent on the window switch. This really messes with the mind of my passengers. It’s fun quite to see them struggle

Just be careful to clearly explain to your parents what the site is called because you don’t want them to accidently type red tube into the browser.

He has a Ford Flex. I already like him.

That’s the first thing I thought of when I heard of this.

Any rental Corvette.

A functioning portable CB radio. Requires about a million batteries, and because I have only one, is completely useless.

That’s why I said Flow behavior. It’s why you can test aerodynamics underwater and in wind tunnels. I am probably way over simplifying it though.

The flow behavior of air and water and other liquids are the same, so both are, according to physics, essentially the same.

Hey, I still love my Zune. It was the iPod tough competitor that was just as good, but everyone discounted it because it was a Zune. I’ve never used the Zune music pass though.