The largess and excesses of capitalism have made us weak.
The largess and excesses of capitalism have made us weak.
Who doesn’t have bread flour but also has vital wheat germ in stock?
“But of course, for that ending to work, you would have to ignore all the Simpson DNA evidence. And that would be downright nutty."
Who is the asshat that decided slideshows should be a thing for something like this?
What the fuck is up with the slide shows?
Those life story bits on recipes aren’t there to improve my enjoyment of the food. They are there to distract me while the 200 affiliate links and 200 pictures load.
This is why i don’t publicize my prices on social media. If Elijah Wood came to my town, I’d follow him around asking him things like if it hurt when Gollum bit off his finger, and then he’d stop hanging out in the villages of us common folk.
Really? That’s the appropriate response? A gaming blog posts something critical of one of your characters (deservedly btw) and your response would be to just not sell your game to that entire country/continent?
“she needed to put something up on TikTok that day”
Attractive person has a viral hit on a social media platform, news at 11.
This is the inverse of a NextDoor post.
I legit have never seen a show before Bojack deal with antidepressant weight gain and still say “even if they have side effects like that you stillneed to take your antidepressants if they make you more stable” and I’m so glad the show came at it from that angle both in the first half of the season and here. Then they…
No one cares.
That is pedantic. They didn’t say all vegetarians - they just said vegetarians.