
old interior

Shocking. I always figured guys who bought Dodge Demons were totally zen and would only go to tracks after journaling their feelings and embracing their inner children, and then only to help others there self-actualize their potential. This comes as a great surprise.

If we HAVE to stand for a specific song, and HAVE to put our hands on our hearts or risk getting jacked are we really free?

Wolfsburg Syndrome?

Another article on the internet about Millenias. I get it, they can’t find jobs, buy homes or get out of debt.

I was searching for Maseratis a while back and these shitboxes kept coming up in the results. Get your fucking LeBarons the fuck out of here! I’m looking for real Italian shitboxes. 

Son, we live in a world that has video formatting, and that formatting has to be guarded by men with comments. Who’s gonna do it? You?

The first of the modern performance trucks: