
There are more of them trying to recruit people on the unreal job forums:

Nicest guy ever too, I had a few questions about his rendering techniques and he was super helpful. Here’s his gumroad with awesome tutorials if anyone is trying to get into game art!

My worst experience was from gamestop, I forgot what game it was, but it was for the 360, and I bought a brand new copy (shrink wrapped and all). I went home to play it but the disc was faulty. This was after trying a few other games and cleaning out my 360. I went back the next day to exchange it but the clerk said

r.i.p :(

Hey guys, for those who are more interested in seeing more art (more on the 3D side), there's a cool thread on polycount where some Destiny artists posted some shots!

Not only that, that rugs from the shining!

Anyone know if we got the games free on GOG.com, will we be able to get steam keys for them once it's all figured out?

Hey guys, I'm a senior at DePaul in Chicago (the school where octodad originated) and double majoring in animation and game dev. Most of the classes here start off students with game maker, which I highly recommend. A couple of recent games that came from that engine is samurai gunn and risk of rain, I also believe

I had a "business of indie games" class last year, and the 2 professors were trying to start a DIY game conference here. Here are a couple links.

I really appreciate the article Jordan. I'm real stoked on the indie scene here. When I started here at DePaul in 2009, a lot of peoples mentality was becoming good at a specific skill to hopefully get a job at a studio. Indie games were something that wasn't really talked about because of the high risks. Now that I'm

Do they usually include the original case and manual when you buy used games from gamefly?

Awesome lighting on it, the detail on this is on point

What kind of software did your dev team use to make all the animations, also, I'm majoring in game development, are there any internships at your studio ;) ?

I'm not to sure about the gamefly prices if you were to buy a game from them, they might be a little steep considering the conditions they're in. As for renting, I would suggest the option where you get two games at a time. The way I did it, I would play through one game, and once I was done with it, I played the